

单词 adjust
释义 adjust, v.|əˈdʒʌst|
[a. 16th c. Fr. adjuste-r (now ajuster). The OFr. ajuster, ajoster, ajouster = It. aggiustare, aggiostare (:—late L. adjuxtāre), gave rise to a med.L. adjustare, which was naturally, though erroneously, taken as a derivative of ad + jūstus, and so consciously used. After Fr. ajouster became ajouter, so that its formal relationship to aggiustare and adjustare was lost sight of, a new Fr. adjuster was formed after the latter, and received those senses of ajouster, which seemed to approach to L. jūstus, Fr. juste. In It. and Sp. also the mod. sense of aggiustare, ajustar, has been influenced by association with jūstus. Thus mod.Fr. ajuster may be viewed as a refashioning or re-forming of OFr. ajouster:—adjuxtāre, after à+ juste. See also adjoust.]
1. a. To arrange, compose, settle, harmonize (things that are or may be contradictory, differences, discrepancies, accounts). To adjust an average: see adjuster, adjustment 4.
1611Cotgr., Adjuster, To adjust, place justly, set aptly, couch evenly, joyne handsomely, match fitly, dispose orderly, severall things together.a1667Cowley Shortn. Life Wks. 1684,137 If we could but learn to number our days..we should adjust much better our other Accounts.1710Steele Tatler No. 24 ⁋ 14 To ratify the Preliminaries of a Treaty adjusted with Monsieur Torcy.1723De Foe Col. Jack (1840) 254 I had no difficulty left but what would soon have been adjusted.1741H. Walpole Lett. to H. Mann 7 (1834) I. 20 I believe the Euston embroil is adjusted.1759Robertson Hist. Scotl. I. vi. 444 Four were named on each side to adjust their differences.1762H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Painting (1786) III. 52, I am desirous of adjusting the pretensions of the three Le Fevres.1817Jas. Mill Brit. India II. v. viii. 650 Balances, which appeared on adjusting the books of the Presidency.1866J. Martineau Ess. I. 145 We own the difficulty of clearly adjusting their relation.
b. Insurance. In a case of General Average, to determine (the claims and liabilities of all parties concerned); also more widely, to assess (the amount which a claimant for compensation or indemnity is entitled to receive).
1755N. Magens Ess. on Insurances I. 5 (heading) Damages which occur in foreign Parts, and are adjusted there, ought to be settled here.1808A. Annesley Law of Marine Insurances ii. vii. 91 When..the amount which each insurer is to pay, is settled, it is usual for the underwriter to indorse on the policy, ‘Adjusted this loss at so much per Cent.’1842[see adjustment 4].1904Halsbury in Law Rep. Appeal Cases 173 Where two areas are being divided and each becomes responsible for its own administration, and where previously they possessed property, it is obvious enough that they must have some mode of adjusting the division of the property which each possessed prior to such separation.1922V. Dover Handbk. Marine Insurance v. 80 Provision is made in the Institute Clauses for general average and salvage to be adjusted according to the law and practice obtaining at the place where the adventure ends.1952L. M. Currie Consequential Fire Loss Insurance xxxvii. 166 We conveyed your agreement to the loss being adjusted on a departmental basis.1966W. H. Rodda Property & Liability Insurance xix. 467 The insurance agent may have the responsibility of adjusting small losses... A large loss is more likely to result in some disagreement between the adjuster and the insured.1980Oxf. Compan. Law 25/1 Under the York–Antwerp Rules, 1950, general average falls to be adjusted both as regards loss and contribution on the basis of values at the time and place where the maritime adventure ends.
a. ellipt. intr. To adjust (sc. differences, or oneself): To come to terms, or to an understanding; to arrange. Obs.
1647Evelyn Mem. (1857) III. 6 Persuading him to adjust with the holy agitators.a1733North Lives of Norths III. 228 We had adjusted two days after to go down and agree for Besthorp.
b. To adapt oneself to; to get used to. Also absol.
1924J. J. B. Morgan Psychol. of Unadjusted School Child iii. viii. 121 It may be that the child will not adjust and will later develop a more serious form of dissociation.1938E. Bowen Death of Heart ii. iv. 244 ‘He is not really: he's in my brother's office.’ ‘Well, after all,’ said Evelyn, adjusting to this.1955Amer. Dialect Soc. XXIV. 14 The inability of the criminally-inclined to ‘adjust’ to normal society.1962Listener 9 Aug. 207/1 He may try to adjust by staying with people of the same group as his family.1962Amer. N. & Q. Sept. 4/1 He adjusted rapidly to the rough life of the open range.
3. a. To arrange or dispose (a thing) suitably in relation to something else, or to a standard or purpose. Const. to, rarely by, with.
1664in Phil. Trans. I. 13 Having there adjusted his watches.1690Locke Hum. Underst. III. ix. §5 Wks. 1727 I. 219 No..settled standard..to rectify and adjust them by.1710Steele Tatler No. 86 ⁋2 There was a great point in adjusting my behaviour to the simple Squire.1730Addison Chr. Relig. (J.) Nothing else in view, but to adjust the event to the prediction.1756Burke Vind. Nat. Soc. Wks. I. 64 They have adjusted the means to that end.a1800Blair (J.) Nothing is more difficult than to adjust the marvellous with the probable.1860Maury Phys. Geog. Sea xii. 531 To adjust the pendulum of his clock to the right length.1862H. Spencer First Princ. i. iv. §25 (1875) 84 The external relations to which the internal ones are adjusted.
b. refl. Const. to.
1859Geo. Eliot Lifted Veil in Blackw. Mag. July 39/2 Our impulses, our spiritual activities, no more adjust themselves to the idea of their future nullity.1888Mrs. H. Ward R. Elsmere II. xvii. 85 Lady Charlotte's eye-glass, having adjusted itself for a moment to the distant figure of the Rector..turned back towards the squire.1943J. S. Huxley Evol. Ethics iii. 22 The individual..can adjust himself..to the ethical standards of his society.
4. a. To arrange or dispose (a thing) suitably in relation to its parts; to put in proper order or position; to regulate, systematize.
1667Milton P.L. vi. 514 Sulphurous and nitrous foam..with subtle art Concocted and adjusted.1704Swift T. of Tub i. 23 Reducing, including, and adjusting every genus and species within that compass.1750Johnson Rambler No. 94 ⁋4 Milton understood the force of sounds well adjusted.1754Sherlock Disc. i. (1759) I. 7 The motions of the stars had been observed and adjusted.1864Burton Scot Abroad I. ii. 100 The symmetrical and scientifically adjusted court precedency of France.
b. esp. of clothes, armour, and the like; in which sense also to adjust oneself.
c1735Pope Donne Sat. iv. 242 See them..adjust their clothes.1761Smollett Gil Blas x. iv. (1802) III. 151, I..dressed myself in a hurry. Just as I had done adjusting myself, my secretary coming in.1838J. Grant Sk. in London 187 ‘Sir,’ said Mr. Abel Smith, adjusting his collar, ‘if we don't go together, we don't go at all.’1864M. E. Braddon H. Dunbar iii. 25 His tremulous hands could scarcely adjust his spectacles.1878R. B. Smith Carthage 232 The men had hardly time to adjust their armour or to draw their swords.
c. intr. for pass. To be capable of being adjusted.
1917Harrods Gen. Catal. 757/2 Canvas Adjustable chair, adjusting to six positions.1943Mod. Lang. Notes LVIII. 12 Bed-lamps attach and adjust easily.1982Habitat Catal. 1982/83 109/1 The barrel, of lacquered brushed aluminium, can adjust right up to the neck of the lamp.




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