

单词 tedify
释义 ˈtedify, v. nonce-wd.
[irreg. f. L. tædium, tedium + -fy, after edify.]
trans. To affect with tedium; to weary, bore. So tedifiˈcation.
1613T. Adams Sinner's Passing-bell Wks. 1861 I. 348 An odious, tedious, endless inculcation of things doth often tire those with whom a soft and short reproof would find good impression. Such, whiles they would intend to edify, do in event tedify.1616Divine Herbal ibid. II. 442 Too often, till edification turn to tedification.1633Exp. 2 Peter iii. 4 To be all utterance, no materials, and so not to edify but tedify their hearers.




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