

单词 teill
释义 I. teil Now rare or Obs.|tiːl|
Forms: 6 tilie, 6–7 teyle, 7 teile, tiel, 7–8 tile, teyl, 9 til, 7– teil.
[Partly ad. L. tilia linden-tree; partly a. OF. til (12–14th c. in Godef.), teil (13–17th c., and mod.dial., Berry), masc. forms collateral with tille, teille, ad. L. tilia; cf. It. tiglio, tilio, beside tilia (Florio), Sp. tilo, tila, Pg. til, tilia. (Mod.F. has tilleul:—L. *tiliolus, dim. of *tilius.)]
The lime or linden tree, Tilia europæa. Usually teil-tree.
[1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvii. cxcii. (MS. Bodl.) lf. 238 b/2 Þe tre tilia..bene haunteþ þe floures þerof and gadreþ þerof swetnes of hony.]1589Fleming Virg. Georg. i. 7 The light wood of the Tilie tree is cut downe for a yoke.1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 395 Some of them practise diuination with the leaues of the Teil-tree which they fold and vnfold in their hands.1617Moryson Itin. i. 26 A faire meadow,..wherein is a faire Lynden or teyle tree.1646J. Hall Horæ Vac. 87 Like the shade of a Tile tree, very pleasant though the tree be unfruitfull.1658Rowland Moufet's Theat. Ins. 1032 They live on softer leaves, especially on the Tiel-tree.1694Addison Virg. Georg. iv. 233 From purple violets and the teile they [bees] bring Their gather'd sweets, and rifle all the spring.1721New Gen. Atlas 120 There are stately Walks of Tile-trees on its North Bank.1837Wheelwright tr. Aristoph. I. 270 note, Boards of the teil or linden.1866Treas. Bot., Til-tree, Tilia europæa.
attrib.1731J. Moncrieff in Graham Soc. Life Scotl. in 18th C. (1901) I. vii. 52 A little tile-tree water.
b. In the Bibles of 1568 and 1611, used in one place to render Heb. ēlāh (elsewhere rendered ‘oak’ and once ‘elm’).
1568Bible (Bishops') Isa. vi. 13 As a Teyle tree [so 1611; Vulg. terebinthus, Wyclif terebynt, Coverd. terebyntes, Cranm. terebintes, Geneva elme, Douay and R.V. (1885) terebinth] and the Oke in the fall of their leaues haue yet the sappe remayning in them.1647Trapp Comm. Phil. iv. 10 It had..withered, as an Oak in winter..and as a Teyl tree whose sap is in the root.
II. teil(l
obs. form of tail, teal, till v.




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