

单词 tele
释义 I. tele, tel, n.1 Obs.
Forms: 1 tǽl, 4 tél, teyl, 5 tele.
[OE. tǽl fem. (also tál: see tole n.1) = OHG. zâla danger, snare, trap, ON. tál bait, allurement. OTeut. *tæ̂lâ str. fem., had app. some such general sense as ‘hostile or malevolent attack, persecution’, whence the specialized senses in the various langs. See also tele v.]
1. Evil speaking, detraction, calumny, blame.
c897K. ælfred Gregory's Past. C. xxxiii. 222 ælc ðweora, & ælc ierre..& tæl sie anumen fram eow.a1000Gloss. in Wr.-Wülcker 196/16 Blasphemia, uituperatio, tæl.Ibid. 220/23. 1303 R. Brunne Handl. Synne 2042 But þogh a man sey neuer so weyl Vnto hys sawys men fynden teyl.
2. Deceit; enticement, allurement.
c1300Havelok 191 Þat he sholde yemen hire wel With⁓uten lac, with-uten tel Til þat she were tuelf winter hold.a1450Myrc Par. Pr. 368 So with cha[r]mes & wyth tele, He ys I-broȝte aȝeyn to hele.
II. tele, n.2|ˈtɛliː|
Colloq. abbrev. of television. Cf. telly. Also attrib. and Comb. (not sharply distinguishable from tele- 2).
1936Billboard 14 Nov. 3 (heading) RCA–NBC tele progress.1944R. E. Lee Television vi. 88 The motion picture is a novel; tele is a short-story, or a newspaper article.1946[see lip-read vb. s.v. lip n. 7].1956A. Wilson Anglo-Saxon Att. 1. iii. 47, I see him on the Tele.1960A. Kimmins Lugs O'Leary iii. 33 ‘Where were you?’ ‘In my room watching the tele.’1961A. Wilson Old Men at Zoo iii. 128 Oh, it was on the tele news in the pub I was in.1964Punch 3 June 833/1 Large sections of the tele⁓watching population.1973J. Wainwright Devil you Don't 5 Sprawling in front of a tele, watching one-day cricket.1977Gay News 7–20 Apr. 37/2 Hardly home-loving types, likely to be content with baked beans on toast and the tele.
III. tele, n.3 Psychics.|ˈtɛliː|
[a. Gr. τῆλε afar, far off.]
Psychic affinity between two (or more) people separated by time or space. Cf. telepsychic n. s.v. tele- 1.
1937J. L. Moreno in Sociometry I. 16 Tele is defined as a feeling process projected into space and time in which one, two, or more persons may participate. It is an experience of some real factor in the other person and not a subjective fiction... The tele process is..the chief factor in determining the position of an individual in the group.1952W. J. H Sprott Social Psychol. ii. 34 A ‘monistic origin of life from a common unit’ out of which existing networks of ‘tele’ have been differentiated.Ibid. 35 In Moreno's own convention a red line from A towards B represents ‘positive tele’.
IV. tele, v. Obs.
Forms: 1 tǽlan (télan), 2–3 tælen (3 (Orm.) tælenn, 3–5 tellen), 2–4 telen, 3–4 tele.
[OE. (WSax.) tǽlan (Angl. télan) = ON. tǽla to deceive, betray, entice:—OTeut. *tæ̂ljan, f. tæ̂lâ: see tele n.1 Cf. OHG. zâlôn (:—tæ̂lôjan) to rob, pillage.]
1. trans. To speak evil of, or to; to revile, calumniate; to mock, scorn, deride.
c888K. ælfred Boeth. xxxviii. §3 Ic wolde unðeawas tælan & goode herian.c890Laws K. ælfred c. 37 Ne tæl ðu ðinne Dryhten.a900Kentish Gloss. in Wr.-Wülcker 55/19 Et detraxerunt, and his teldan.Ibid. 75/13 Deridet, teld.Ibid. 76/31 Detrahent, telað.c950Lindisf. Gosp. John xii. 48 Seðe mec teles [c 975 Rushw. teleð].10..Glosses (Cott. Cleop.) in Wr.-Wülcker 373/26 Carpere, telan.c1160Hatton Gosp. Luke xiv. 29 Ealle þe hit ȝe-seoð aginned hine tælen [Ags. Gosp. tælan].c1200Ormin 2039–40 Ȝiff þatt tu willt tælenn me þe birrþ ec hire tælenn.a1250Prov. ælfred 237 in O.E. Misc. 116 Byfore he þe meneþ, by-hynde he þe teleþ.c1490Promp. Parv. 488/1 (MS.K.) Tellynge, or grochynge, murmuracio.
2. To deceive, entrap [cf. ON. tǽla to betray].
c1325Metr. Hom. (1862) 12 His [Christ's] godhed in fleis was felid Als hok in bait, quare thoru he telid The fend, that telid our fadir Adam.Ibid. 152 That he no haf miht us to tele With gastly dranc and wit darnele.13..Metr. Hom. (Vernon MS.) in Herrig Archiv LVII. 276 But faste he fondeþ mon to tele. Vre lord vs schilde from his teolyng.
Hence teling vbl. n. (also 3 teolunge, 4 -yng, teliinge, 4–5 telyng, teeling), deception, sorcery, witchcraft.
a1225Ancr. R. 208 Sigaldren, & false teolunges, leuunge on ore & of swefnes & alle wichchecreftes.c1315Shoreham iii. 178 By-lef þou in no wychecraft, Ne ine none teliinge.13..[see tele v. 2].1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) III. 343 He triste on his endynge [v.r. enditynge] and tellynges [v.rr. teelingis, telyngs, tellyngys] as olde wifes useþ.a1450Myrc Par. Pr. 360 Wychecrafte and telynge.c1490[see tele v. 1].
V. tele, a.|ˈtɛliː|
Abbrev. of telephotographic a.2 Cf. telephoto a. and tele-lens s.v. tele- 1.
1979SLR Camera Jan. 42/3 We chose the FD 135 mm f2.5 SC and the FD 200 mm f2.8 SC as being representative of the popular tele range.1981What Camera Weekly 5 Dec. 3/2 (heading) Tele tactics: long lenses with focal lengths of 400 and 500 mm need careful handling.
VI. tele
obs. f. teal, tell v., tile n., till v.




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