

单词 epoxy
释义 epoxy, prefix and quasi-a. Chem.|ɪˈpɒksɪ|
[f. epi- + oxy-.]
A. prefix. An element used in the names of chemical compounds that are epoxides.
B. Hence as quasi-adj.: pertaining to or deriving from an epoxide; containing the ring structure characteristic of epoxides; epoxy resin, any of various synthetic polyether resins that contain epoxy groups and benzene rings, are usu. made by polymerizing an epoxide, and are convertible into a thermoset form.
1916Chem. Abstr. X. 3400/2 Epoxy,—O—(to different atoms).1930Jrnl. Amer. Chem. Soc. LII. 1191 The epoxides of oleic and elaidic acids have been obtained in crystalline form... Three directions in which these epoxy acids decompose on heating have been discussed.1945Ibid. LXVII. 412/1 Peracetic acid functions as an oxidizing agent..to yield epoxy compounds, but..in acetic acid solution the epoxy ring is opened and mixtures of hydroxy-acetoxy compounds are obtained.1950S. O. Greenlee U.S. Pat. 2,494,295 5 The complex epoxides are in general resinous in character... The complex epoxy resins are soluble, unless too highly polymerized, in solvents such as acetone.1960‘A. Burgess’ Doctor is Sick viii. 58 If only the head could be, perhaps painlessly, severed and then, with some epoxy resin or other, fitted back.1960Handbk. Chem. Soc. Authors iii. 108 Oxygen linked, in a chain of carbon atoms, to two of these atoms will be denoted by the prefix epoxy in all cases where it would be unprofitable to name the substance as a cyclic compound. Examples: ethylene oxide = epoxyethane.1966McGraw-Hill Encycl. Sci. & Technol. X. 469/1 The epoxy resins form a relatively new class of cross-linked polyethers characterized by excellent chemical resistance, adhesion to glass and metals, electrical insulating properties, and ease and precision of fabrication.1969Jane's Freight Containers 1968–69 21 (Advt.), An extensive range of abrasion resistant phenolic, vinyl and epoxy linings with non-toxic, odourless and tasteless characteristics.
Hence as v. trans., to glue with epoxy resin.
1974Sci. Amer. Jan. 117 (caption), 1/4{pp} nut for traverse screw epoxied to aluminum backplate.1982Guardian 26 Oct. 8/6 With the buck-jaw, there is the ear that is epoxyed to the shoulder and the frantic lever-type action that finds the hair being constantly flipped back.




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