

单词 adraw
释义 aˈdraw, v. Obs.
Forms as in draw v.
[f. a- prefix 1 out, away + draw.]
1. trans. To draw out; esp. to draw (a sword).
1205Layamon 16487 Aldolf his gode sweord adroh.1297R. Glouc. 361 Adraweth ȝoure suerdes.1330R. Brunne Chron. 400 Robert..hys gode suerd adrou.1340Ayenb. 218 Come naȝt beuore God mid zuorde adraȝe and mid blodi honden.1380Sir Ferumb. 2281 Hure swerdes þan þay adrowe.
2. intr. To withdraw oneself.
c1430Octouian Imp. (W.) 357 Awey fro hem he wold adrawe.c1450Siege of Rouen in Archæol. XXI. 67 The trewys adrew and warre toke hys way.




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