

单词 evangely
释义 evangely Obs. or arch.|ɪˈvændʒəlɪ|
Forms: 4–7 ev-, ewangeli(e, -ye, (5 evangilye), 4–5 evaungelie, -y, 5– evangely. Also 5 aphet. vangelye.
[ad. Eccl. L. ēvangelium, ad. Gr. εὐαγγέλιον good tidings (in class. Gr. only ‘reward for bringing good news,’ and in pl. ‘a sacrifice offered on receiving good news’), f. εὐάγγελος, f. εὖ well + ἀγγέλλειν to announce. Cf. evangel1.]
1. The ‘good news’ of redemption; the Gospel revelation, the faith of the Gospel; = evangel 1.
1382Wyclif Gal. i. 7 Ther ben summe that..wolen mysturne the euangelie of Crist.c1450Lonelich Grail lii. 969 [Piers] the holy vangelye gan him vndo.c1540in Prance Addit. Narr. Pop. Plot (1679) 36 To most notable slaunder of Christs Holy Evangely.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. x. 53 Christes Evangely.1675Case of Quakers conc. Oaths def. 47, I..submit myself principally to the Evangely of Jesus Christ.1683E. Hooker Pref. Ep. Pordage's Mystic Div. 29 This Gospel is, this the Evangelie.
b. In etymological sense: Glad tidings.
c1380Wyclif Serm. (Sel. Wks.) II. 339 Evangeli is seid as good tyþing of blis: and þus not oonly þes foure gospels but epistlis of Poul..ben clepid Evangelies.c1449Pecock Repr. i. xi. 54 If oure Euangelie is couered.
2. The Gospel record; = evangel1 2. Also a passage in the same.
1362Langl. P. Pl. A. i. 174 Þeos beþ wordes I-writen In þe Ewangelye.c1386Chaucer Melib. ⁋113 As he him selfe recordeth in his Evaungelie.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. xii. 204 For clergie seith þat he seih in the seynt euangelie, That, etc.c1470Harding Chron. lxxxvii, Thou vnderstandest full litill theuangilye.1483Caxton G. de la Tour L ij, Jhesus Cryst sayd in theuangely that, etc.1583Stubbes Anat. Abus. (1877–9) 120 Our Sauiour Christ Iesus..in his Euangely, the sixt of Mathew, saith.
b. One of the Four Gospels; = evangel 2 b.
1393Langl. P. Pl. C. xvi. 45 Þenne cam scripture, And seruede hem þus sone of sondrie metes menie, Of austyn, [of] ambrosie, of all þe foure euangelies.a1400Chester Pl. 210 Austyne..his homilye upon Saynte John Evangelye.1513Bradshaw St. Werburge i. 2854 Rehersed by Mathewe, in his evangely.1529Latimer 1st Serm. on the Card i. 5 Christ..left be hind for our safeguard..the evangelies, the sacraments, the commandments, and so forth.1530Compend. Treat. (1863) 53 That the Euangely off Jhon was drawen into Englishe by the forsayde Bede.
App. taken to mean ‘evangelist’. (The older texts have euangelist, wangeliste.)
c1340Cursor M. 13977 (Trin.) Als telleþ luke þe euangele.
3. As an object to swear upon.
a. pl. A copy of the Four Gospels; cf. evangel1 3.
b. sing. used collectively: The Gospels.
1494Fabyan vii. 548 And I swere vpon the holy Euaungelys here presentlye with my handys towchyd, that, etc.1547Homilies i. Swearing ii. (1859) 79 Whosoever wilfully forsweareth himself upon Christs holy Evangely.1577Harrison England ii. v. (1877) i. 123 You shall..swear upon the holy evangelies by you bodily touched.




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