

单词 everlastingness
释义 everlastingness|ɛvəˈlɑːstɪŋnɪs, -ˈlæst-|
[f. as prec. + -ness.]
1. The quality, condition, or fact of being everlasting (see the senses of the adj.).
a. In etymological senses: Endless existence; perpetual continuance; unlimited durability.
b. In extended sense = eternity 1: The having neither beginning nor end of existence.
a.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. viii. ii. (1495) 300 The nobilyte of heuen..in purenesse and euerlastyngnes.c1440Promp. Parv. 144 Evyrlastyngnesse, eternitas.1580Hollyband Treas. Fr. Tong, Perpetuité, euerlastingnesse.1648Herrick Hesper., To Sir R. Stone, No lesse Strong than the heavens for everlastingnesse.1656Jeanes Mixt. Schol. Div. 50 A perswasion of the soules everlastingnesse is needfull.1664Evelyn Sylva (1776) 343 The everlastingness of the wood [Cypress].1730–6Bailey (folio) Everlastingness, durable nature.1850Lynch Theo. Trin. ii. 20 He was meditating Christianity..and its everlastingness.1865Pusey Truth Eng. Ch. 14 He affirmed the everlastingness of future punishment.
b.1565Jewel Repl. Harding (1611) 225 [Our Lord] hath mingled the nature of his owne flesh to the nature of his euerlastingnesse vnder the Sacrament.1587Golding De Mornay iv. 44 He hath neither beginning nor end, which thing wee cal Euerlastingnes..And so Gods being is altogether at once, which is y⊇ peculiar propertie of euerlastingnesse.1880Cheyne Isaiah I. 242 The idea of the Divine everlastingness is one of the primary notes of the prophecy.
2. Infinite time; = eternity 2.
a. properly, The future eternity; endless duration. Also pl.
b. In extended sense: The absolute eternity, without beginning or end, or the past eternity without beginning (obs.).
a.1382Wyclif Dan. xii. 3 Thei that lemen, or enfourmen, manye to riȝtwisnesse [shuln shyne] as sterris in to euerlastyngnessis.2 Pet. iii. 18 To him [Crist] glory and now and in to the day of euerelastingenesse.1577tr. Bullinger's Decades (1592) 90 And that euerlastingnesse verily is perpetual and hath no end.a1631Donne Serm. ciii. IV. 385 There cannot be two Everlastingnesses in the torments of Hell.1655Gouge Comm. Hebr. 45 This extent of the promise to everlastingnesse.
b.1388Wyclif Isa. lvii. 15 The Lord..that dwellith in euerlastyngnesse.1535Coverdale 2 Esdras viii. 20 Thou that dwellest in euerlastyngnesse.1579Tomson Calvin's Serm. Tim. 1039 1 That life was giuen them before all euerlastingnesse.1633T. Adams Exp. 2 Peter i. 1 Future glory was from everlastingness prepared for those servants.
3. Eternity as opposed to time; the future state; eternal welfare. Obs.
c1430tr. T. à Kempis 99 Not sekyng þo þinges þat are þyn..ner in tyme, ner in euerlastingnes.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 240 Thys lyfe tyme is verey shorte and vncerten, therefore must they thinke of an euerlastingnes.1650Baxter Saints' R. iv. v. §3 What a step is it from hence to Everlastingness?1681Glanvill Sadducismus i. (1726) 46 If such can barter their souls for Trifles and sell Everlastingness for a Moment.
b. fig. regarded as an entity.
1627–47Feltham Resolves i. lxiv. 197 [These] all prove it [a soul] a shoot of Everlastingness.1655H. Vaughan Silex Scint. i. 52 My conscience..felt through all this fleshly dresse Bright shootes of everlastingness.1846I. Williams Baptistery, Voices of Dead 175 Visiting with starlike gleams Of everlastingness.




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