

单词 thematize
释义 thematize, v. Linguistics.|ˈθiːmətaɪz|
[f. Gr. θεµατ-, stem of θέµα theme n. + -ize.]
1. trans. To convert (part of a sentence) into a theme: see theme n. 1 d.
1959J. Firbas in Brno Studies in English I. 43 When thematic elements..occur in basically transitional or basically thematic positions, they communicatively weaken them, or so to speak, ‘dedynamize’, ‘thematize’ them.1969[see rhematize v.].1976Archivum Linguisticum VII. 145 The following functional constituents (derived from the mood system) may be thematized by fronting them.
2. To modify (a verb-form) by the addition of a thematic vowel: see thematic a. 3.
1966E. P. Hamp in Birnbaum & Puhvel Anc. Indo-Europ. Dial. 115 *ĝhē(s)r-om, thematized from *ĝhēsr.1977Language LIII. 50 In addition, Isg. *esmi was thematized.
Hence ˈthematized ppl. a.
1972Language XLVIII. 402 We would expect *n-mi- at the beginning of the relationship terms; instead we get the thematized form, a transitive construction.1976Ibid. LII. 68 Kuno proposes..that the deep structure of every relative clause in Japanese contains a thematized sentence.

Restrict Linguistics to senses in Dict. and add: [1.] b. To render thematic; to present or select as a theme.
1969Sigmond & Cosmao in In Search of Theol. of Devel. 101 It is rather the change in man's concept of himself and the way in which that concept is thematized.1979P. de Man in H. Bloom Deconstruction & Criticism 57 Shelley's imagery..is..extraordinarily systematic whenever light is being thematized.1984D. Leavitt Family Dancing (1985) 193 What's thematized here is the endless battle between nature and art.1986Paragraph Oct. 112 Explicitly thematizing her own reading experience and relating it to the personal context in which it occurred.




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