

单词 advanced
释义 advanced, ppl. a.|ædˈvɑːnst, -æ-|
[f. advance v. + -ed.]
1. Moved forward, standing or being to the front; esp. in military phr. advanced guard (see advance n. V.), advanced post, advanced works.
1795Hotham in Nicolas Disp. (1845) II. 11 The French ships were seen by our advanced Frigates.1810Scott Lady of L. ii. xxxiv, With foot advanced, and blade half-bared.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. IV. 98 The advanced guard of the English army.1879Fortif. in Cassell's Techn. Educ. IV. 138/1 ‘Advanced-works’ are those which are occasionally added to the ordinary works of a permanent front.
2. a. fig. Far on in life or time, or in any course of action, or march of ideas; sometimes spec. of women, esp. those advocating or favouring women's rights or equality with men.
1534Ld. Berners Gold. Bk. M. Aurel. (1546) P iij b, In the most highest trees the force of wyndes is most aduanced.1628Digby Voy. Medit. (1868) Pref. 19 He had attained a very advanced period of life.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. i. vii. 25 Our advanced beliefs are not to be built upon dictates.1776Gibbon Decl. & F. I. 326 A very advanced season of life.1846Mill Logic iii. xi. §2 (1868) 512 The most advanced truths of mathematics.1863Kemble Resid. Georgia 74 The season is too little advanced.1871N.Y. Tribune 2 Feb. (De Vere), The shortsightedness of the advanced female to the interest of her own cause.1876C. M. Yonge Womankind xxii. 177 The advanced school [of brides] are said to prefer a civil marriage.1879Standard 25 Apr., He is an advanced Liberal.1895S. Hale Lett. (1919) 288 She is a lion-hunter enragée, advanced female, views, everything.1896M. Corelli Mighty Atom ii. 24 Two or three ugly ‘advanced’ young women who have brought their bicycles and go tearing about the country all day.
b. Of study: on a higher level than the elementary; of a degree: (usu.) superior to a bachelor's degree; advanced level, the higher of the two levels of the General Certificate of Education most commonly taken by candidates, as a university entrance qualification, etc. (a third, ‘scholarship’, level may be taken conjointly with the advanced level); abbrev. A level s.v. A III; cf. ordinary level s.v. ordinary a. 5 e and GCSE s.v. G III. f; spec. in some universities: advanced student, one who, because of qualifications obtained at a former place of study, is admitted to a more advanced course than would normally be available to him; so advanced status, etc.
1790Laws of Harvard Coll. 7 No person shall be admitted to an advanced standing, unless..he shall be found qualified.1871L. H. Bagg At Yale 689 Whether an ‘advanced student’ comes from a private tutor or from another college, or drops from a higher class at Yale, makes little difference.1892Brigham Young Acad. Circular 12 Requests for examination for advanced credit must be made to the faculty in writing.1916Oxf. Univ. Gaz. 22 Nov. 138/2 In a Congregation to be held on Tuesday, January 30, 1917..the form of Statute creating a new status of Advanced Student..will be promulgated.1947, etc. Advanced level [see ordinary a. 5 e].1952M. McCarthy Groves of Academe (1953) vi. 113 We don't insist on the Ph.D. or even the Master's; in fact, we regard advanced degrees as a liability.1963Oxf. Univ. Gaz. 20 June 1484/2 Permitted to transfer from B.Litt. Status to Advanced Status.1981D. Rowntree Dict. Educ. 103 The examinations are organised by nine separate examining boards and are at two levels: Ordinary level and Advanced level.
c. advanced passenger train, a prototype high-speed passenger train developed by British Rail, having a mechanism designed to tilt the coach bodies as the train rounds a bend (see quot. 1986); abbrev. A.P.T. s.v. A III.
1969Railway Mag. Jan. 22/2 (caption) Model of British Railways proposed Advanced Passenger Train... It should be capable of speeds up to 150 m.p.h.1971New Scientist 10 June 624/1 Speed and comfort are the essence of the Advanced Passenger Train.1976P. R. White Planning for Public Transport viii. 172 The boldest attempt to make use of existing rail networks is the Advanced Passenger Train.1982Railway Mag. Jan. 53 We are desperately anxious to see the Advanced Passenger Train succeed.1986Mod. Railways Feb. 75/1 The collapse of the Advanced Passenger Train project has left InterCity services on the West Coast main line in a 1970s ‘time warp’.
3. Promoted. Obs.
1460Fortescue Abs. & Lim. Mon. (1714) 137 The Clerks of his Chapell that have Wifes, or be not avaunsyd.1681Dryden Abs. & Achit. ii. 48 Pamper'd Corah when advanced to court.
4. Raised, elevated (physically). Obs.
1576Gascoigne Princely Pleas. (1821) 5 Six Trumpeters hugely advanced, much exceeding the common stature of men.1596Spenser F.Q. ii. i. 23 To see the Redcrosse thus advaunced hye.1604Edmonds Observ. on Cæsars Comm. 133 That all men performe their directions with their pikes aduanced.1667Milton P.L. i. 536 Th' Imperial ensign, which full high advanc't Shon like a meteor.1673Vain Insolency of Rome 35 The people could observe him advanced a Cubit above the earth.
5. Raised (in amount), increased.
1782Cowper Lett. 23 Nov. Wks. 1876, 122 The advanced price of grain.
6. Set off to advantage. Obs.
1554Philpot Examin. & Writ. (1842) 389 Thou wouldst have churches well furnished with altars..avanced with lights and tapers.

orig. U.S. Given or provided in advance; prior; = advance n. Compounds 2.
1853N.Y. Daily Times 7 Dec. 4/3 From an advanced copy I make the following extracts.1878Bot. Gaz. 3 72 An advanced notice of this work appeared in the Gazette for June.1920W. S. Sims & B. J. Hendrick Victory at Sea xi. 324 Those all-important reconnaissance flights over the North Sea which were intended to give advanced warning of any activity of the German high seas fleet.1997D. Cressy Birth, Marriage, & Death xix. 452 The ingredients of a decent funeral among the later Stuart élite included advanced advertisement, preferably by printed ticket or invitation.




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