

单词 exchanger
释义 exchanger|ɛksˈtʃeɪndʒə(r)|
Also 7 (in Law) -or.
[f. as prec. + -er1.]
1. One who exchanges or makes an exchange.
1531–2Act 23 Hen. VIII, c. 16 The same sale, exchaunge or deliuere..shalbe..felony..in the seller, exchaunger or deliuerer.1613Sir H. Finch Law (1636) 116 The exchangor or his heire may vouch to warranty by an exchange without deed.1642Perkins Prof. Bk. iv. §263 If any of us the Exchangers dye before attornment it is not good.
2. A money-changer, an exchange-broker; a money-dealer, banker. Obs. exc. with allusion to the N.T. the King's Exchangers: officers appointed by the king to give coin in exchange for bullion or plate.
1539Bible (Great) Matt. xxv. 27 Thou oughtest therfore to haue delyuered my money to the exchaungers.1552Act 5–6 Edw. VI, c. 19 §1 No man did..take no Profit for making of such Exchange..except the Kings Exchangers.1584Fenner Def. Ministers (1587) 98 Christ overthrew the exchaungers banckes.1682J. Scarlett Exchanges 103 An Exchanger should know in the places where Banks are kept, the ordinary times when the Banks are shut.a1704Locke (J.), These exchangers generally chuse rather to buy bullion than run the risk of melting down our coin.1866Crump Banking i. 9 They [mensularii] were also authorised by the state to act as exchangers, and give Roman coins for foreign ones.




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