

单词 explicate
释义 I. explicate, ppl. a. Obs.|ˈɛksplɪkeɪt|
[ad. L. explicāt-us, pa. pple. of explicāre: see explicate v.]
a. Unfolded, expanded.
b. Unfolded in words, fully stated; esp. of a syllogism.
c. Made clear; plain, intelligible.
a.1661Lovell Hist. Anim. & Min. Introd., The intestine in some is small..The appendices are explicate.
b.1532Hen. VIII in Burnet Hist. Ref. II. 169 When our cause was proponed to your holiness, when it was explicate and declared afore the same.1605A. Wotton Answ. Pop. Articles 4 A simple syllogisme is either contract or explicate.Ibid. 5 In an explicate syllogisme the proposition is generall.1628T. Spencer Logick 270 A sufficient reason why we should call a Syllogisme explicate: for thereby it is vnfolded to the full.1648N. Estwick Treat. Holy Ghost 53 The Proposition..is unwarrantable in the second explicate, or first figure.
c.1647Jer. Taylor Lib. Proph. i. 7 Whatsoever is expressed..is made articulate and explicate.1686Goad Celest. Bodies i. ix. 33 How explicate is the Solution of this great Question.1698R. Ferguson View Eccles. 61 Thought them hardly either vindicable or explicate without it.
Hence ˈexplicately adv. = explicitly 1.
a1617Bayne Dioc. Tryall (1621) 19 People, who though explicately they did not beleeve in Christ, yet had in them the faith of the Messiah.
II. explicate, v.|ˈɛksplɪkeɪt|
[f. L. explicāt- ppl. stem of explicā-re, f. ex- out + plicāre to fold, ply.]
a. trans. To unfold, unroll; to smooth out (wrinkles); to open out (what is wrapped up); to expand (buds, leaves, etc.). Obs.
1620Bp. King Serm. 8 When he intendeth his business to purpose, then hee standeth vpon his feet, explicateth and displayeth his limbes.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. ii. vi. §4. 99 The Rose of Jericho will..explicate its flowers contracted.1651Bedell Life Erasmus in Fuller's Abel Rediv. 69 A gold Ring, which explicated, became an exact celestiall sphere.1660Sharrock Vegetables 37 The leaves..explicate themselves.1710T. Fuller Pharm. Extemp. 193 It [the Glyster]..explicates Corrugations of the Fibres.1712Blackmore Creation 66 They explicate the leaves.
fig.1536Latimer 1st Serm. bef. Convoc. Wks. i. 32 If ye diligently roll them in your minds, and after explicate and open them.a1652J. Smith Sel. Disc. v. 140 Our love is wont to explicate and unfold its affection.
b. To spread out, expand in area or volume.
1578Banister Hist. Man viii. 103 The Muscles..explicatyng their owne substaunce, do constitute a tendinous Membran.1666G. Harvey Morb. Angl. iv. 31 The blood being thus expanded and explicated into a turgency.
c. To spread out to view, display. Obs.
1647H. More Poems 235 From her centre Her pregnant mind she [the soul] fairly explicates In actuall forms.1678Wanley Wond. Lit. World iii. xliv. §30. 227/2 There the Zodiack did explicate its Signs.
a. To disentangle, unravel; fig. (cf. 6).
b. To disentangle, extricate from, out of difficulties.
a.1663Sir G. Mackenzie Relig. Stoic xiii. (1685) 124 Apter to beget than to explicate difficulties.a1713T. Ellwood Autobiog. Supp. (1714) 438, I might cite a great deal more, to explicate this Controversie.
b.1614Raleigh Hist. World II. v. v. §6. 582 Hee did neuer meet with any difficultie, whence hee could not explicate himselfe.1668Clarendon Vind. Tracts (1727) 53 No way to explicate the kingdom out of those intricacies.
3. To develop, bring out what is implicitly contained in (a notion, principle, proposition).
1628T. Spencer Logick 260 A simple Syllogisme hath the parts contracted, or explicated.a1716South Serm. (1717) VI. 427 To explicate and draw forth this General into the several Particulars wrapt up and included in it.1837–8Sir W. Hamilton Logic xix. (1866) I. 383, I do not think it necessary to explicate these two reasonings.1864Bowen Logic iii. 48 By logicians generally..this principle has been explicated into three general Axioms.
4. To unfold in words; to give a detailed account of. Sometimes with indirect question as obj. Now rare; = explain 3 a.
1531Elyot Gov. i. xv, I name him a gramarien..that can expounde good autours explicating the figures as well of sentences as wordes.1553Pole in Strype Cranmer ii. 173 Ye have explicated how the whole matter..may be concluded.1657Tomlinson Renou's Disp. 145 We might dilucidly explicate the..composition of medicaments.a1734North Exam. iii. vii. §52 (1740) 541 The Terms good and bad..being beforehand well explicated to the People.1831Crayons from Commons 48 In dismal doleful ploratory strain He explicates the amount of loss and gain.a1834Lamb Misc. Wks. (1871) 504 An unfairness..which this would not be quite the proper place for explicating.
absol.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. (1885) 8 Bot will explicat mair at large.1651–3Jer. Taylor Serm. for Year i. (1850) 17 As Christ related, and His Apostles recorded and explicated.
5. To disclose the cause or origin of (a phenomenon); to account for. Obs.; = explain v. 5.
1605Timme Quersit. i. vii. 29 To explicate the sowernes of the vineagar.1660Boyle New Exp. Phys. Mech. i. (1682) 13 There is yet another way to explicate the Spring of the Air.1729Butler Serm. Pref. Wks. 1874 II. 10 Perceptions..which..it may not be very easy at first view to explicate.
6. a. To make clear the meaning of (anything); to remove difficulties or obscurities from; to clear up, explain; = explain v. 3 b.
1622–62Heylin Cosmogr. Introd. (1674) 18/1 Geography we will first define..And after explicate such terms..as are not obvious.1650S. Clarke Eccl. Hist. i. (1654) 45 He was wondrous quick to explicate obscure passages.1693Dryden Juvenal Ded. liii, The last Verse of his last Satire..is not yet sufficiently explicated.1814W. Van Mildert Bampton Lect. iii. (ed. 2) 82 Vain attempts to explicate points which..must ever remain enveloped in..mystery.1865Bushnell Vicar. Sacr. iv. i. (1868) 450 Terms by which they [the lustral figures] must be explicated.1959Times Lit. Suppl. 20 Mar. p. x/5 The kerygma..attempts to explicate it by saying that it only happens ‘existentially’ in human experience.1966J. J. Katz Philos. Lang. iii. 17 Ordinary language philosophers tried to explicate the standards of usage underlying the linguistic behavior of those who do not abuse this freedom.1967C. L. Wrenn Word & Symbol 2 Literary texts..are now being explicated in terms of ‘symbolic realism’, cultural anthropology, folk-myth and allegory.
b. refl. To explain oneself; to make clear one's meaning. Obs.
1563Nowel Serm. bef. Queen (1853) 225 To explicate myself, I say, etc.1631Bp. Hall Rem. Wks. (1660) 295 The Church of England having plainly explicated herself.1638Featly Transub. 253 Once more explicate your selfe.
c. intr. To enter into explanations. Obs. rare.
1781F. Burney Diary & Lett. II. 77 We explicated about the letters and the coach and so forth.
Hence ˈexplicated ppl. a., unfolded, expanded; explained. ˈexplicating vbl. n., the action of the verb explicate. ˈexplicating ppl. a., that unfolds; in quot. intr. for refl. expansive.
1884Fairbairn in Contemp. Rev. Mar. 362 A religion always is as its deity is..as it were the explicated idea of Him.1531Elyot Gov. i. xiii, To him belongeth the explicating or unfoldinge of sentence.1692Ray Dissol. World iii. v. (1732) 376 For the better explicating of Natural Things.1616Beaum. & Fl. Faithful Friends iv. i, Surcease a while this explicating joy.




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