

单词 facilitate
释义 facilitate, v.|fəˈsɪlɪteɪt|
[f. F. facilit-er to render easy (= It. facilitare, f. facilis facile, after L. vbs. like dēbilitāre, etc.) + -ate3.]
1. a. trans. To render easier the performance of (an action), the attainment of (a result); to afford facilities for, promote, help forward (an action or process).
1611Cotgr., Faciliter, to facilitate or make easie.1621Sir G. Calvert in Fortesc. Papers 155 It will..facilitate the present negotiation.1670Cotton Espernon i. ii. 64 It..much facilitated the Duke of Guise his Victories, to have an Enemy reduc'd to such streights before he came to engage them.1714Lady M. W. Montague Lett. lxxxvi. 141 It..may facilitate your election.1732Arbuthnot Rules of Diet 278 All such things as increase and facilitate the animal or natural Motions.1838T. Thomson Chem. Org. Bodies 102 All the alkaline bodies..facilitate the solution of picrotoxin in water.1883Stubbs' Mercantile Circular 27 Sept. 861/2 The reformed procedure..has not appreciably facilitated the progress of public business.
b. To make easier or less abstruse; to simplify. Obs. rare.
a1656Hales Tracts (1677) 89, I thank you for..facilitating to my understanding the scope and purpose of the xi of St. Mat.
2. To lessen the labour of, assist (a person).
1646H. Lawrence Comm. Angells 77 Which may more easily leade and facilitate us, to the consenting to such a lust.1650Fuller Pisgah ii. 64 Here lived the Emims shrowdly smote by Chederlaomer, which probably did facilitate the Moabites in their victory over them.1890Sat. Rev. 6 Sept. 303/2 The author seems to aim solely at facilitating the pupil in his dealings with everyday French.
3. Physiol. To increase the likelihood of, strengthen (a response); to bring about the transmission of (an impulse). (Cf. facilitation 3.)
1906C. S. Sherrington Integr. Action Nerv. Syst. v. 175 Minimal electrical stimuli applied near together in point of time to the fore-limb region of the rabbit's cortex and to the skin of the crossed foot, exerted a facilitating influence, ‘bahnung’, on each other.1934E. S. Robinson in C. Murchison Handbk. Gen. Exper. Psychol. xii. 632 Extraneous, or unessential, stimuli can facilitate a given reaction as well as interfere with it.1951M. A. B. Brazier Electr. Activity Nerv. Syst. ix. 90 A long persisting effect set up by an initial stimulus would serve to facilitate impulses coming much later.
Hence faˈcilitated ppl. a., faˈcilitating vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1613Sherley Trav. Persia 3 Which would haue beene..a facillitating of any enterprise, which..that Earle was ever..vndertaking against him.1674Boyle Excell. Theol. ii. iv. 171 Rectifying..errours..by the assistance of such facilitating helps.1776Bentham Wks. (1843) I. 288 These facilitating circumstances.1876Mozley Univ. Serm. vii. 151 Undoubtedly habit is a great facilitating principle.1884Pall Mall G. 2 Apr. 1/2 The lake district..is in no need of facilitated means of access.




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