

单词 thy
释义 I. thy, poss. a.|ðaɪ|
Forms: 2–5 þi (ti), 4 þy (ty), 4–6 thi, (6 yi), 4– thy.
[Early ME. þī, reduced form of þīn, thine, used in ME. bef. consonants exc. h, but occurring before vowels in 15th c., and ultimately universal in prose use as the possessive adj. preceding its n., = Ger. dein, deine, F. ton, ta, tes.]
Of or belonging to thee, that thou hast.
For restriction of use see note to thou pers. pron. 1.
a1175Cott. Hom. 225 Þe..and ti wif, and þine þreo sunes.c1175Pater Noster in Lamb. Hom. 57 Þi nome beo iblecced.Ibid. 59 Cume þi riche.a1225Ancr. R. 98 Þi stefne is me swete, & ti hwite schene.13..in Rel. Ant. I. 145 Wer es ty sire, wer es ty dame?13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 330 Enter þis ark with þyn aþel barnez & þy wedded wyf.1388Wyclif Ruth i. 16 Thi puple is my puple, and thi God is my God.c1450Bk. Curtasye 71 in Babees Bk. 301 Let not þi spone stond in þy dysche.1502W. Atkynson tr. De Imitatione i. xx. 169 Lyft vp thy iyen to heuen.1513Douglas æneis iv. iv. 42 Apon thi top, mont Cynthus, walkis he.1552Lyndesay Monarche 4131 Perfytlie prent in yi remembrance Off this Inconstante warld the variance.1552Huloet, Thy owne selfe, te ipsum, temet.1667Milton P.L. v. 153 These are thy glorious works, Parent of good.1852Mrs. Stowe Uncle Tom's C. xiii, [The Quaker Settlement] ‘Where's thy baby, Ruth?’ said Rachel... ‘Thy Mary caught him as I came in.’1859Tennyson Enid 347 Turn, Fortune, turn thy wheel and lower the proud.
II. thy, adv. Obs.
Forms: 1–2 þy, 2–3 þi.
[OE. ðý, þý, instrumental case of demonst. and relative pron. se, séo, þæt: see that, and cf. the adv.]
1. a. orig. By means or by reason of that, because of that, therefore. b. In relative sense: For the reason that, because.
c897K. ælfred Gregory's Past. C. xxviii. 192 Ðy him is micel ðearf, ðonne he tela lærð, ðæt he eac tela do.c1000Sax. Leechd. II. 86 Smire mid huniᵹ, þæt þy þe raþor sio hryfing of fealle.c1175Lamb. Hom. 93 Þi bileafden heo heore timbrunge.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 205 Wilfulshipe and lichamliche lustes and li ere lahtres, þi ne mai no man gode folȝen.a1250Owl & Night. 860 Ich rede þi þat men beo ware.c1275Woman of Samaria 39 in O.E. Misc. 85 Ich wot..Þat þu me hauest soþ iseyd..Þi of one þinge sey me iredynesse.
c. Hence in for thy, for that reason, therefore: see for-thy; also in OE. mid þý, with that, seeing that, since, when, while; to þý, to that end or purpose, therefore.
2. Preceding an adj. or adv. in the comparative degree: see the adv.
III. thy
obs. f. thigh.




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