

单词 Fascist
释义 Fascist, n. and a.
(ˈfæʃɪst, occas. ˈfæsɪst)
Also in It. form Fascista |faʃˈʃista| and with small initial. Pl. Fascists, Fascisti |faʃˈʃisti|.
[ad. It. Fascista, formed as prec.: see -ist.]
One of a body of Italian nationalists, which was organized in 1919 to oppose communism in Italy, and, as the partito nazionale fascista, under the leadership of Benito Mussolini (1883–1945), controlled that country from 1922 to 1943; also transf. applied to the members of similar organizations in other countries. Also, a person having Fascist sympathies or convictions; (loosely) a person of right-wing authoritarian views. Hence as adj., of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Fascism or Fascists.
1921Times 1 Jan. 9/6 The Fascisti are certainly paying back..the Socialists in matters of violence.1921Glasgow Herald 30 Mar. 9 A party of Fascisti from Perugia visiting Citta di Castello burned the Labour Bureau.1921Public Opinion 20 May 464/1 For the moment the Fascisti are acting as a sort of Government bodyguard for the elections and Fascist candidates find a place..on the Government lists.1922Daily Mail 17 Nov. 7 Signor Mussolini, the Fascist leader, to-day made his first speech in the Chamber.1923[see blackshirt].1928Outlook 26 May 645/2 Indeed, I cannot help wondering whether the suggestion does not originally emanate from the British Fascists.1929H. S. Walpole Hans Frost ii. 146 At Venice..a Fascist official at the railway station had been abominably vulgar.1931J. S. Huxley What dare I Think? vii. 231 The Fascist dictatorship.1936M. Plowman Faith called Pacifism 74 Fascists in all countries are obliged openly to acknowledge their reliance upon war as a means of policy.1936S.P.E. Tract xlvi. 204 Does not their enthusiasm [for the study of stylistic perfection], when compared with other forms of fascist and fanatical activities, seem almost innocuous?1938Ann. Reg. 1937 320 The foreign policy of Fascist Italy.1940Auden in I Believe 30, I cannot see how a Socialist country could tolerate the existence of a Fascist party any more than a Fascist country could tolerate the existence of a Socialist party.1940N. Mitford Pigeon Pie iii. 39 Luke was an awful old fascist.1960S. M. Lipset Political Man v. 133 Fascist ideology, though antiliberal in its glorification of the state, has been similar to liberalism in its opposition to big business, trade-unions, and the socialist state.1961H. Thomas Spanish Civil War viii. 70 José Antonio Primo de Rivera..gradually emerged as the Leader of all the Spanish Young Fascists.Ibid. 71 The Socialists..were described by [Communist] party jargon as ‘social fascists’.1963Times 27 Mar. 10/2 As the main body of demonstrators began to move away,..screams of ‘Fascist pigs’ and ‘Gestapoism’ continued.1969Times 17 Nov. 10/4 Taunts of ‘Sieg Heil’, ‘Fascists’, and the occasional smoke bomb from youthful demonstrators were bound to invite trouble.1971E. Afr. Jrnl. Mar. 28/1 The international fascist alliance had already found ‘an adventure’.1971Tablet 26 June 616/2 In remoter mountain villages there are still a few..slogans which..survived..the collapse of Fascist rule.
Hence ˌfasciˈzation, ˌfascistiˈzation, the action or process of making Fascist. Also ˈfascistize v. trans.
1925Glasgow Herald 20 May 10 The complete ‘fascistisation’ of Italy.1937A. Huxley Ends & Means v. 36 Belief in our ideal postulates has acted as a brake on fascization.1940Ann. Reg. 1939 196 This Charter [the Fascist School Charter] has for its object to ‘fascistise’ entirely the three classes of instruction. To ‘fascistise’..is ‘to give the school a social and political content’ of a certain type.1955H. Hodgkinson Doubletalk 50 This is part of the process of ‘fascistisation’ or move from bourgeois democracy to full fascism.1965L. Vennewitz tr. Nolte's Three Faces Fascism i. i. 7 Mussolini's theory of the imminent fascistization of the world undoubtedly seems prejudiced and vague.

depreciative. In extended use (with preceding modifying word): a person who advocates a particular viewpoint or practice in a manner perceived as intolerant or authoritarian. Cf. Fascism n. Additions, health fascist n. at health n. Additions
Recorded earliest in body fascist n. at body n. Additions
1978Business Week (Nexis) 22 May 10 Psychotherapy-as-recreation..has contributed in no small way to the kindred plagues of jogging and vegetarianism that are now so thoroughly disrupting wholesome social intercourse across our land. An acquaintance aptly dismisses such folk as ‘body fascists’.1987Courier-Mail (Brisbane) (Nexis) 10 Sept. Members of the NCC have been dubbed ‘green fascists’.1997Canad. Lawyer Jan. 46/2 It'll be fun to see what happens when the tobacco fascists run headlong into the human rights fascists.1999Independent 24 Mar. ii. 1/2 Now a half-naked male swigging Diet Coke and being ogled by stenographers in horn-rim specs is just as likely to upset gender fascists.




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