

单词 featly
释义 featly, adv. and a. Somewhat arch.|ˈfiːtlɪ|
[f. feat a. + -ly2.]
A. adv.
1. Fitly, properly, suitably, aptly; neatly, elegantly.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 585 He þat fetly in face fettled alle eres.a1400Cov. Myst. (Shaks. Soc.) 135 Feetly with helpe sche can consent To set a cokewolde on the hye benche.c1420Pallad. on Husb. viii. 142 Clense it feetly wel.1539Taverner Erasm. Prov. (1552) 55 Gellius applyeth this prouerbe very featlye to these grosse and rude men.1591Florio Sec. Fruites 63 You will haue it [wine] smelling sweetelie, coloured featly.1606W. Birnie Kirk-Buriall iii, The giuing vp of the godlies ghost may featlie be compared to three things.1671Eachard Observ. Answ. Cont. Clergy 62 We are bluntly told..not neatly and featly.1831Carlyle Sart. Res. i. viii. (1858) 33 Frills and fringes, with gay variety of colour, featly appended.1855Robinson Whitby Gloss., ‘It was all done varry feitly.’
b. Exactly, precisely. Obs.
a1450Bk. St. Albans, Fishing (1883) 8 Bynd hem to gydur fetely so þat þe cropp may justly entur alle in to þe seyd hole.1549Coverdale Erasm. Par. Gal. iv. 29 In this also the allegorie featly agreeth.1674N. Fairfax Bulk. & Selv. 74 A curious frame of well-ranged bulks so featly set together.
2. Cleverly, deftly, skilfully.
1436Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 172 Thynges wyth whiche they fetely blere oure eye.1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 488/2 He..feately conuayed himself out of the frying panne, fayre into the fyre.1609C. Butler Fem. Mon vi. (1623) O iij, Sweets, which the Bees featly draw from them.1787Grose Provinc. Gloss., Feitly, dexterously.c1800K. White Christiad xvi, In homely guise I featly framed My lowly speech.1888G. H. Radford Occasional Verses, Let the gentle angler stand..And featly cast his specious fly.
b. With reference to movements, esp. dancing: With graceful agility, nimbly.
c1340Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 1758 Þe lady..fetly hym kyssed.1611Shakes. Wint. T. iv. iv. 176 She dances featly.1635Brome Sparagus Garden iii. ix, How feately she holds up the neb to him!1704Pope Jan. & May 620 So featly tripp'd the light-foot ladies round.1806J. Grahame Birds Scot. 9 Featly ath wart the ridge she runs.1812Byron Ch. Har. i. lxxiii, Their chargers featly prance.1835Willis Pencillings I. xxx. 215 His..wife..danced as featly as a fairy.1842Barham Ingol. Leg., Ingol. Penance ii, Featly he kisseth his Holiness' toe.1870Lowell Stud. Wind. 181 The Sapphic..moves featly to our modern accentuation.
3. Oddly, strangely. (Cf. feat a. 5.) Obs.
1674N. Fairfax Bulk & Selv. 29 If my soul does not thus featly stick out of my body.1727Bailey vol. II, Featly, oddly, after an unusual or uncouth manner.
B. adj. Graceful. Of a dress: Neat, well-fitting.
1801Moore Ring iii, Some the featly dance amused.1822W. Irving Braceb. Hall (1845) 269 Her dainty person clad in featly cloak.
Hence ˈfeatliness, featly quality; gracefulness.
1843Lytton Last Bar. iv. vi, The admirable ‘featliness’ of the Count de la Roche..was rivalled only by the more majestic grace of Edward.




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