

单词 feigning
释义 I. feigning, vbl. n.|ˈfeɪnɪŋ|
[f. as prec. + -ing1.]
1. The action of the vb. feign in various senses; an instance of this. without ( but) feigning: unfeignedly, sincerely.
1375Barbour Bruce i. 74 He suld swer that, but fenȝeyng, He suld that arbytre disclar.c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 341 He was clepid þe pope.. aftirward camen oþer names bi feynyng of ypocritis.c1385Chaucer L.G.W. 1556 Hypsip. & Medea, With feynynge, & with every subtyl dede.c1460Towneley Myst. (Surtees) 209 Tryp on thi tose, without any fenyng.1490Caxton Eneydos xvi. 65 That yf it were aperceyued..men shold wene that it were a manere of a feynynge.1568Grafton Chron. II. 186 Craftie and imagined faynings.1601Shakes. Twel. N. iii. i. 110 'Twas neuer merry world, Since lowly feigning was call'd complement.1636B. Jonson Discov. Wks. (Rtldg.) 761/2 His [the Poet's] Art [is] an Art of imitation, or faining.1789Mrs. Piozzi Journ. France I. 91 The Lombards..please you without feigning.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) III. 143 Poets are also the representatives of falsehood and feigning.
b. feigning of person: personification. rare.
1561J. Daus tr. Bullinger on Apoc. (1573) 283 S. John by a fayning of person sayth, from whose face fledde away both heauen and earth.
2. quasi-concr. A creation or production (of the mind); an assumption, fiction, fable. Obs.
1388Wyclif Jer. I. 38 The lond..hath glorie in false feynyngis.c1430Lydg. Bochas i. iv. (1544) 6 b, Of poetes the feigning to unfold.1563–87Foxe A. & M. (1596) 141/2 The like fainings and monstrous miracles.1614Raleigh Hist. World ii. 350 All which fainings..Josephus and Tertullian have sufficiently answered.1627Speed England xxv. §3 Poets in their faynings will haue the Nymphs residence in shady greene groues.
II. feigning, ppl. a.|ˈfeɪnɪŋ|
[f. as prec. + -ing2.]
That feigns.
1. Given to inventing; imaginative. Obs.
1483Cath. Angl. 125/1 Feynynge, ficticiosus.1600Shakes. A.Y.L. iii. iii. 20 The truest poetrie is the most faining.
2. Dissembling, deceitful.
c1400Destr. Troy 966 He..welcomed hom all With a faynyng fare vnder faire chere.a1569A. Kingsmill Man's Est. i. (1580) 8 Those fainyng folke.1590Shakes. Mids. N. i. i. 31 Verses of faining loue.1701Rowe Amb. Step-Moth. iv. iii. 2002 Suspect this feigning Boy.
3. Shirking, cowardly. Obs. Cf. feign v. 13.
c1400Destr. Troy 4576 Þis fenyond fare is forthoryng to hom, To assemble..souldiors ynogh.
4. Of the voice: see feign v. 12. Obs.
1590Shakes. Mids. N. i. i. 31 Thou hast by Moone-light at her window sung, With faining voice.
5. quasi-adv. Pretendedly, seemingly.
1620Quarles Jonah (1638) 11 How faining deafe is he?
Hence ˈfeigningly adv., in a feigning manner; artfully, dissemblingly.
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) II. 375 Þe ordre of tellynge of þe þing..is feynyngliche i-tolde.c1422Hoccleve Learn to Die 359 Whethir he verraily or feynyngly Repente.c1500Melusine 28 All this said she feynyngly to thende that the other shuld nat perceyue to what thinge she tended.1561T. Hoby tr. Castiglione's Courtyer Zz iij b, To sett out her beawtye..as feininglye as she can.1605Stow Ann. West Saxons an. 1011 Peace..to the which they feininglie assented.1650S. Clarke Eccl. Hist. (1654) 542 The King feigningly complained that since the death of Cromwel, England was much troubled with hereticall factions.




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