

单词 feirie
释义 ˈfeirie, a. Sc. Obs.
Also 5, 6 fery, 7, 8 feerie.
[? repr. OE. *fériᵹ, f. fór action of going (see fore n.) + -iᵹ, -y1: cf. the synonymous fere a.]
Fit to travel; hence nimble, vigorous. Const. of.
c1425Wyntoun Cron. ix. ix. 10 His eldare Swne Wes noucht fery.1513Douglas æneis vi. v. 20 Als fery and als swipper as a page.a1548Thrie Priests of Peblis in Pinkerton Scot. Poems (1792) I. 18 The king was..Ane feirie man on fute.17..in Watson Collect. i. (1706) 59 Of foot he is not feerie.1794Burns Deuk's Dang O'er My Daddy, O haud your tongue, my feirie auld wife.
b. quasi-adv. Cleverly, actively.
1810in Cromek Rem. Nithsdale & Annandale Song (1880) 54 An feerie can cross it in two braid cockle shells.
Hence ˈfeirily adv., nimbly, actively.
1550Lyndesay Sqr. Meldrum 475 Quhen thay saw him sa feirelie Loup on his Hors.1552Dreme 12 Sumtyme in dansing, feiralie I flang.1763W. Thom Donaldsoniad, Wks. (1799) 368 It wad be better if it was a' dun bi ane that cou'd gae throw it feerily and cannily.




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