

单词 fisher
释义 fisher1|ˈfɪʃə(r)|
Forms: 1 fiscere, 2 fixere, 3 fiscære, 3–4 fissar(e, -er, south. vyssare, vissere, 3–5 fisch-, fyschar(e, -er(e, (5 fecher, fychere), 4–6 fissh-, fyssher(e, (5 fysshyer, 6 fiszher), 4– fisher.
[OE. fiscere, OFris. fisker, OS. fiskari (Du. visscher) = OHG. fiscâri (MHG. vischer, Ger. fischer), ON. fiskari (Sw. fiskare, Da. fisker):—OTeut. *fiskā̆rjo-, f. *fisko-z fish n.1 Like other OTeut. ns. with this suffix it has become an agent-noun related to the vb.: see -er1.]
1. a. One who is employed in catching fish. Now arch.; superseded in ordinary use by fisherman.
c893K. ælfred Oros. i. i. 17 [Ðær] huntan ᵹewicodon, oþþe fisceras, oþþe fuᵹel[er]as.c1175Lamb. Hom. 97 Petrus wes fixere.1297R. Glouc. (1724) 265 Hys vyssares come to hym, & so gret won of fyss hym broȝte.1382Wyclif Isa. xix. 8 And mowrne shul the fissheres.1553Eden Treat. Newe Ind. (Arb.) 22 The inhabitantes are great fyshers on the sea.1704Pope Windsor For. 137 The patient fisher takes his silent stand, Intent, his angle trembling in his hand.1758Descr. Thames 227 Fishers distinguish their Herrings into six different sorts.1851Kingsley Song, Three fishers went sailing away to the West.
b. transf. and fig. (esp. after Matt. iv. 19).
c1000Ags. Gosp. Matt. iv. 19 Cumeð æfter me, & ic do þæt ᵹyt beoð manna fisceras.a1300Cursor M. 13325 (Cott.) Fra þis dai forth i sal þe ken for to be fissar god o men.1663Cowley Ess. etc. (1669) 133 They found them Hunters and Fishers of wild creatures, they have made them Hunters and Fishers of their Brethren.1664H. More Apol. iii. §3 Who profess myself a Fisher for Philosophers, desirous to draw them to..the Christian Faith.
2. a. An animal that catches fish for food.
1562W. Bullein Bk. Simples (1579) 78 Herones, Bitternes, [etc.]. These fowles be Fishers.1576Fleming tr. Caius' Dogs in Arb. Garner III. 245 The Dog called the Fisher..seeketh for fish by smelling among rock and stone.1823Byron Island iv. ii, The feather'd fishers of the solitude.
b. spec. The pekan or Pennant's marten (Mustela pennanti) of North America (also fisher marten, fisher weasel). Also, the fur of this animal.
1796Morse Amer. Geog. I. 200 The fisher has a general resemblance to the martin, but is considerably larger.1879M. M. Backus in Encycl. Brit. IX. 838/1 Fisher, size, 15 by 30 inches..glossy dark and durable.1882Beck Draper's Dict., Fisher (fur), these skins are larger than sables, and the fur is longer and fuller.1883W. H. Flower in Encycl. Brit. XV. 577/2 Mustela pennanti..the Pekan or Pennant's Marten, also called Fisher Marten.
3. A fishmonger. Obs.
a1400in Eng. Gilds (1870) 353 No ffysshyere ne no pulter ne shal bygge ffysche ne pultrye [etc.].1582in W. H. Turner Select. Rec. Oxford 420 Any fisher that occupieth any standinge or shoppe.
4. An implement used by tanners (see quot.).
1688R. Holme Armoury iii. 350/2 The Fisher..is an Iron with Nett-work, made from side to side of it with strong Iron Wyers, with this the Bark is taken out of the Water.1726Dict. Rust. (ed. 3) s.v.
5. A fishing-boat; a vessel employed in fishing.
1864Thoreau Cape Cod ix. (1894) 211 We saw countless sails of mackerel fishers abroad on the deep.
6. attrib. and Comb.:
a. simple attrib., as fisher-bark, fisher-house, fisher-keel, fisher-net, fisher-pan, fisher-ship, fisher-stall, fisher-town.
b. appositive (= that is a fisher, belonging to the class of fishers), as fisher boy, fisher-carl, fisher-child, fisher-folk, fisher-girl, fisher-people, fisher-swain, fisher-train, fisher-wife, fisher-woman. Also fisher's coat.
1862H. Marryat Year in Sweden II. 341 The passage of small *fisher barks down to Carlskrona.
1621Lady M. Wroth Urania 308 From a Run-away and poore *Fisher-boy he made me a King.1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., Fisher-boys, the apprentices in fishing vessels.
1870Morris Earthly Par. III. iv. 212 A few rough *fisher-carles there were.
Ibid. 227 The *fisher children hand in hand.
1854H. Miller Sch. & Schm. xxii. (1857) 481 Some of our Cromarty *fisher-folk.1888Daily News 18 Dec. 3/6 Here fisherboys and *fishergirls..crowd the stage.
1525Ld. Berners Froiss. II. xlvii. 162 Without the towne there were certayne *fissher houses.
1870Morris Earthly Par. III. iv. 227 And *fisher-keel on fisher-keel The furrowed sand again did feel.
1601Holland Pliny II. xix. i. 4 Thread, passing good for to be twisted and knit into *fisher-nets.1890Daily News 15 Feb. 6/4 A black fisher-net dress trimmed..with well-imitated mimosa.
1535Coverdale Amos iv. 2 Youre posterite caried awaye in *fyssher pannes.
1885Truth 28 May 848/2 *Fisherpeople hauling their boat through the surf.
1611Bible John xxi. 7 He girt his *fishers coate vnto him.
1614Eng. Way to Wealth in Harl. Misc. (Malh.) III. 235 Busses, bonadventures, or *fisher-ships.
1572Nottingham Rec. IV. 145 A *fyssher stalle that Thomas Reve stans in.
1627P. Fletcher Apollyonists iii. xxi, Those *fisher-swaynes..by full Jordan's wave.
1538Leland Itin. (1744) VII. 55 A lytle prety *Fyssher Town cawled Wyrkinton.1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. vii. (1703) II. 306 In Dorset-shire..little fisher Towns, Poole and Lyme.
1725Pope Odyss. xxii. 425 When by hollow shores the *fisher⁓train Sweep with their arching nets the hoary main.
1868M. E. Braddon Dead Sea Fr. xxxix, The rough fishermen and brawny *fisherwives.1887Ruskin Præterita II. vi. 200 A fisher-wife doll from Calais.1895Month Sept. 52 All the fisher-wives we dressed alike in short petticoats of blue stuff.
1816Scott Antiq. xxvi. note, The *fisherwomen..put in their claim.1863Bates Nat. Amazon ix. (1864) 258 The two dusky fisherwomen marched down to their canoe.
7. Special combs.: fisher-fish (see quot.); fisher's berry = fish-berry; fisher's folly, an angler's house in the country; fisher's-knot, a slip knot, the ends of which lie horizontally, and will not become untied (Davies); fisher's ring or seal = fisherman's ring. Also fisher-boat, fisherman.
1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., *Fisher-fish, a species of Remora, said to be trained by the Chinese to catch turtle.
1787Best Angling (ed. 2) 67 Coculus indicus..called also baccæ piscatoriæ, *fisher's berries.
1638R. Brathwait Surv. Hist. 183 As one who had taken a surfeit of the City, h'as built himself a new *Fishers folly in the Countrey.
1611Markham Countr Content. i. x. (1668) 53 A *Fishers knot, which is your ordinary fast knots, foulded four times about, both under and above.1741Compl. Fam. Piece ii. ii. 331 You may tie your Links together with the Fishers or Weavers Knot.
1689Lond. Gaz. No. 2486/1 He afterwards broke the *Fishers Ring, and caused the Lead of the Bulls to be likewise broke.




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