

单词 tourist
释义 tourist|ˈtʊərɪst|
[f. tour n. + -ist.]
1. One who makes a tour or tours; esp. one who does this for recreation; one who travels for pleasure or culture, visiting a number of places for their objects of interest, scenery, or the like; spec. a member of a touring sports team (usu. pl.).
1780Ode to Genius of Lakes in North of England 3 (Advt.), He throws the piece only into the way of actual tourists.c1800Pegge Anecd. Eng. Lang. (1814) 313 A Traveller is now-a-days called a Tour-ist.1803Syd. Smith Wks. (1850) 34 An agricultural tourist will faithfully detail the average crop per acre.1824Scott St. Ronan's i, It provoked the pencil of every passing tourist.1855H. Spencer Princ. Psychol. §66. 246 The Swiss tourist whose inquiries respecting distances are answered in ‘stunden’, or hours.1873Smiles Huguenots Fr. iii. i. (1881) 383 Dauphiny..lying completely out of the track of ordinary tourists.1975Cricketer May 11/2 On the fourth day Julien joined the feast, hitting a scintillating 101 and helping the tourists to an 87-run first-innings lead.
b. ellipt. = tourist class (see sense c below).
1936[see cabin class s.v. cabin n. 8].1939T. S. Eliot Family Reunion 42, I was down in the Tourist..and you could see the corner of the upper deck.1939G. Greene Lawless Roads 297 A middle-aged American woman, who should have been travelling tourist.1976V. Canning Doomsday Carrier vii. 117 A few men could fly tourist to any country and plague would fly in with them.1981J. Rathbone Base Case i. 8 The service in tourist had been appalling.
2. attrib. and Comb., as
a. tourist agency, tourist agent, tourist attraction, tourist board, tourist bureau, tourist bus, tourist camp, tourist circuit, tourist country, tourist hotel, tourist industry, tourist office, tourist rendezvous, tourist resort, tourist route, tourist season, tourist shop, tourist tax, tourist ticket, tourist trade, tourist traffic, tourist visa; tourist-crammed, tourist-crowded, tourist-haunted, tourist-laden, tourist-mobbed, tourist-ridden, tourist-trodden adjs.; tourist cabin, (a) the tourist-class accommodation on a ship; (b) a cabin for tourists; tourist-car, a railway carriage with special accommodation for tourists; tourist card, an identity card substituting for a passport or visa for a short visit to certain countries; tourist centre, a place much frequented by tourists; tourist class, a low-charge class of passenger accommodation in a ship, aircraft, etc.; also attrib.; also adverbially, in the class of accommodation so designated; tourist court U.S., a group of self-contained living units with service buildings, for tourists; tourist flight, a flight in the tourist class of a passenger aircraft, or in an aircraft which has only tourist-class seating; tourist guide, (a) = tour guide s.v. tour n. 12; (b) a guide-book which introduces tourists to a region or locality; tourist park U.S., a park or camp-site with facilities for overnight campers, etc.; tourist track, (a) a route from place to place frequented by tourists; (b) N.Z., a track through the bush for walkers; tourist trap, (a) a type of object sold to tourists at an excessively high price; (b) a place where tourists are exploited; Tourist Trophy, the name of a trophy awarded to the winner of motor-cycle races held annually on the Isle of Man since 1907; freq. attrib.; also ellipt. one of these races; usu. abbrev. as TT (see T II. 6).
1895P. Hemingway Out of Egypt i. ii. 22 It was no good applying to the hotels or *tourist agencies.
1884Queen 16 Feb. (Advt.), Mr H. Laurence..Oculist Optician... Testimonials from..Thomas Cook, Esq., the well-known *tourist agent, [etc.].1918E. Pound Pavannes & Divisions 41, I knew a tourist agent, one whose art is To run such tours.
1867J. G. Fennell (title) The Rail and the Rod; or, *Tourist-Angler's Guide to Waters and Quarters around London.
1959A. McLintock Descr. Atlas N.Z. p. xix, The..geysers and boiling pools have long been a *tourist attraction.1978Times 5 Aug. 5/6 Belsen had become almost a tourist attraction for visitors to Germany.
[1948Wales (Tourist & Holidays Board Wales) 3 The Tourist and Holidays Board for Wales and Monmouthshire has pleasure in presenting its second Annual National Holiday Guide.]1957Jack & Blair Chambers's Guide to Scotland 13 An excellent publication (2s. 6d.) of the Scottish *Tourist Board.1972‘R. Crawford’ Whip Hand i. viii. 44 Ballycroom might be as pretty in summer as the Tourist Board said all Kerry was.
1935G. Greene Basement Room 108, I opened a *tourist bureau. Trips to the London underworld. Limehouse and all that.1978J. Irving World according to Garp vi. 122 ‘I am from the Tourist Bureau,’ Father announced.
1964L. Deighton Funeral in Berlin xvii. 105 In Horse Guards Avenue..*tourist buses were parked.
1928H. Crane Let. Dec. (1965) 332, I have been the only native American in the whole *tourist cabin. The rest being Britishers, Canadians, Australians, [etc.].1937A. Huxley Let. 7 May (1969) 421 Are now at Del Rio, on the Mexican frontier, in a tourist cabin.1943J. S. Huxley TVA ix. 61 Cove Lake Inn, with its group of tourist cabins,..has become..an important overnight stopping place for tourists.
1923Outlook Aug. 591/3 The University of Iowa has published a bulletin on the *tourist camps of that State.1968C. Burke Elephant across Border vi. 217 Tourist camps with hot and cold running.
1895J. C. Wait Car-Builder's Dict. 134 *Tourist car, a car roughly built and furnished for the transportation of men alone, such as bodies of troops, parties of excursionists, emigrants, etc.1908Westm. Gaz. 9 May 3/1 His [ticket] had the tourist-car ticket appended as a portion of the fare.
1971Daily Nation (Nairobi) 10 Apr. 5/3 Visitors now travelling to several Latin-American countries like Mexico require only a *Tourist Card, which is issued by an airline authorised by the respective government.
1922W. J. Locke Tale of Triona xxvi. 292 The hiring garages, in anything like *tourist centres, found their resources strained.1978N. Freeling Night Lords xxvi. 123 The Loire country..a centre for tourism... Normandy..another natural tourist centre.
1962E. Snow Other Side of River (1963) lxxv. 577 The city is after all on the main ‘*tourist circuit’ — Peking–Shanghai–Hankow–Canton.
1936New Yorker 22 Feb. 63/2 In *Tourist Class, too, you find typical American standards.1939F. Scott Fitzgerald Let. Aug. (1964) 107 Only the rich now can do the things you and I once did in Europe—it is a tourist-class world.1951Word Study Feb. 5/1 People sailed to Europe cabin class or tourist class.1952Shell Aviation News No. 164. 4/2 Tourist class fares are being introduced and are going to lead to a doubling of passenger air travel in two years.1964Mrs. L. B. Johnson White House Diary 20 Jan. (1970) 55, I left early this morning..tourist class on a commercial airline for New York.1978J. A. Michener Chesapeake xii. 712 At the Sunday meal many of the first⁓class passengers came down to the tourist class..to urge that Paxmore conduct the services.
1892Pall Mall G. 16 July 2/1 A *tourist country like Switzerland.
1937Amer. City Oct. 115 (heading) House trailer and *tourist court regulations.1979R. Thomas Eighth Dwarf iii. 27 A cluster of fishing shacks..and the odd tourist court.
1897E. L. Voynich Gadfly ii, The glaring white streets and dusty, *tourist-crammed promenades.
1872R. Broughton in Temple Bar XXXVI. 340 The great glaring Schweizerhof, with its colonnaded, *tourist-crowded porch.
1881I. E. B. Cox (title) The Angler's Diary and *Tourist Fisherman's Gazetteer of the Rivers and Lakes of the World.
1959A. Huxley Let. 9 Jan. (1969) 861 The *tourist flights are relatively cheap and I will treat you to the ticket.1969G. Lyall Venus with Pistol xxxii. 207 Maybe old Georgy-boy used to pop over to Germany on the cheap tourist flights.
1924R. Cummins Sky-High Corral 15 You cut me down because you leased eighty acres of Hay Fork Meadow to that measly *tourist guide to fence for horse feed.1925W. Deeping Sorrell & Son iii. 26 Medlum..kept the book-shop and sold..pretty-pretty art tourist guides.1977J. van de Wetering Japanese Corpse (1978) xi. 109 He speaks English fairly well. He used to be a tourist guide.
1927G. Ade et al. Let. 4 Mar. (1973) 118 We went to a most attractive *tourist hotel above the town [sc. Gibraltar]..surrounded by palms and tropical plants.1980R. Connolly Sunday Kind of Woman xxix. 194 She was staying in an ordinary tourist hotel just off Gloucester Road.
1938United Empire Sept. 398 With peace achieved, the Government is fostering the *tourist industry.1977Times 5 Apr. 16/6 The stately homes of England have been..making an important contribution to the tourist industry.
1898Edin. Rev. Oct. 521 The beautiful but now..hackneyed and *tourist-mobbed route to Chamonix.
1875Cooks Continental Timetable (1973) Mar. p. iv/1 (Advt.), Cook's Waterloo Coach Tickets..may be obtained at any of their *tourist offices.1977Times 14 May 12/5 The tourist office put us in touch with the guest house association.
1927F. F. Van de Water Family Flivvers to Frisco iii. 52 There is money in well-run *tourist parks.1977Chicago Tribune 2 Oct. xii. 27/8 (Advt.), Facility has been updated with boat launch, tourist park and public beach nearby.
1887Ruskin Præterita II. 379 Ruin was inevitable in the valley after it became a *tourist rendezvous.
1906‘Mark Twain’ Autobiogr. (1924) II. 215 Mr. Richmond had become possessed of Tom Sawyer's cave in the hills three miles from town, and had made a *tourist-resort of it.1959A. McLintock Descr. Atlas N.Z. 74 New Zealand..has roads of high quality leading to the principal tourist resorts.
1905E. Candler Unveiling of Lhasa xiii. 242 Just as one is dragged into a church in some *tourist-ridden land.
1874Cooks Continental Timetable (1973) Mar. p. ii/2 (Advt.), List of the Principal Hotels on the chief *Tourist Routes in Europe.1976Botham & Donnelly Valentino xx. 147 He and Natacha followed the tourist routes to Windsor Castle, the Tower of London, Hampton Court, the theatre.
1884F. F. Miller Harriet Martineau viii. 135 Hunters of celebrities were wont, in the *tourist season,..to walk round her garden.1980I. Murdoch Nuns & Soldiers ii. 139 Now the tourist season's starting it's better to have someone there, like a caretaker.
1969‘E. Lathen’ When in Greece x. 112, I call Athens... I have business with the *tourist shops there.
1946P. Bottome Lifeline vi. 61 It was two years since Mark had seen them, two years of grinding poverty under the [Nazi] *Tourist tax.1963Times 21 Jan. 5/4 The tourist tax proposal appears to have had its brief, controversial highland fling.1977Times 22 Aug. 13/2 Proponents of a tourist tax really mean for it to be imposed only on foreign tourists.
1887M. Corelli Thelma I. xiii. 288 She wad send a' her relations there wi' *tourist tickets, not available for the return journey.
1912‘Saki’ Chron. Clovis 137 Continental travel..away from the great *tourist tracks, was a favoured hobby.1959M. Shadbolt New Zealanders 110 Ted..moved about the country from season to season..sheelite-mining in the Alps, cutting tourist tracks at Milford sound.1969Guardian 7 July 8/3 The Piazza Navona, right on the Roman tourist track.
1936Discovery Sept. 264/1 That trade which cannot survive without peace—the *tourist trade.1946J. S. Huxley Unesco ii. 53 An unregulated tourist trade in ‘curios’.1979V. S. Naipaul Bend in River xv. 254 London is destroying itself for its tourist trade.
1892Kipling & Balestier Naulahka xiii. 156 Some towns might think we had a little *tourist traffic now.1979Tucson Mag. June 54/1 Some extremists might seek out..Hell on Earth. But, judging by the light tourist traffic into El Paso, these extremists are a small minority.
1939G. Greene Lawless Roads iv. 117 Different stations had their different *tourist traps—at Apizaco hideous hand⁓painted clubs..at Rinconada little grey stone mortars.1942E. Paul Narrow St. xxvii. 241 The Oubliette Rouge was a small tourist-trap..where..the drinks were watered to such an extent that temperance was automatically accomplished.1967O. Wynd Walk Softly, Men Praying x. 157 The village..[was] now a tourist trap almost entirely given over to eating houses and souvenir shops.1981C. Storr Vicky xiv. 99 Vicky's eye was caught by something in one of the tourist-trap shop windows.
1907Motor Cycle 1 May 358/1 Cash prizes will be awarded to the drivers of machines taking part in the International Auto Cycle *Tourist Trophy Race.1913[see TT s.v. T II. 6].1968S. E. Ellacott Everyday Things in England 1914–68 V. xii. 174 The Isle of Man..Tourist Trophy races..began in May 1907.1973S. Jackman Guns covered with Flowers iv. 40 The Immigration Officer{ddd}issued him with a *Tourist visa.
b. Of a foreign language: of that degree of proficiency required by a tourist or to communicate with a tourist.
1938E. Ambler Cause for Alarm ii. 30, I have seen six gentlemen before you. Three of them could speak tourist French and insisted that most Italians would understand it.1953S. Bedford Sudden View i. iii. 36, I had a small deposit of past tourist Spanish..equal to ordering the comida corrida, the table d'hôte luncheon.1975A. Worboys Lion of Delos ii. 23 Most of the [Greek] people you will come across talk Tourist English.
Hence (mostly nonce-wds.) ˈtourist v. intr., to travel for pleasure, as a tourist; ˈtouristdom, the realm or collective body of tourists; ˈtouristing, the practice or habit of touring; ˈtouristry = touristdom or touristing; ˈtouristship, the quality or position of a tourist. Also ˈtouristy a. colloq., characteristic of the tourist; also, designed for or likely to appeal to tourists, consisting of tourists, frequented by tourists; freq. with derog. connotation, superficial, trashy.
1953E. M. Forster Hill of Devi 27, I continued my tour—I was *touristing—and I did not expect to see my delightful host again.1971K. Wheeler Epitaph for Mr. Wynn xxviii. 364 He wasn't just touristing around.
1888Pall Mall G. 28 Aug. 13/2 Ere those Circe's sties, the Club-huts, harboured *touristdom in flocks.
1883A. Stewart Nether Lochaber xxxviii. 233 Never before were all the conveniences for ‘*touristing’ so perfect.
1878Stevenson Inland Voy. 32 All the ruck and rabble of British *touristry.1883Silverado Sq. 27 It was a pure little isle of touristry among these solitary hills.1894Speaker 7 Apr. 390/2 A Venice vulgarised by Cook's touristry.
1849Fraser's Mag. XL. 375 He was rather a tourist than a traveller, and this *touristship was the worse for his scientific crotchets.
1906Athenæum 8 Sept. 278/3 The letterpress..is..slight, sketchy, ‘*touristy’, but genial.1937A. Christie Death on Nile vi. 86 This trip..feels somehow, so much less touristy—as though we were really going into the heart of Egypt.1958Listener 25 Sept. 454/1 Its rushing rivers leaping with salmon; its canyons; its glaciers;..steam from thermal springs..all these are perhaps the ‘touristy’ things.1961I. Fleming Thunderball xii. 125 A tepid, touristy breakfast on his balcony.1967[see strip n.2 1 h.]1969E. McGirr Entry of Death iii. 59 There's a little 'ostelry wot only the helite know of. None of yer touristy trash.1973Daily Tel. (Colour Suppl.) 16 Feb. 31/3 They've turned out so many phoney things—touristy things about the Civil War, say.




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