

单词 flout
释义 I. flout, n.1|flaʊt|
Also 6–7 floute.
[f. flout v.]
1. A mocking speech or action; a piece of mockery, jeer, scoff.
1570in Levins Manip. 228. 1572–5 Gascoigne Dan Bartholomew Lenuoye iv, Remember that our sect Is sure to bee with floutes alwayes infect.1678Butler Hud. iii. Heroic Ep. 356 She..read it out, With many a smile, and learing Flout.1728Morgan Algiers I. Pref. 14 The Flouts and indifferent Reception I have met with.1837W. Irving Capt. Bonneville III. 23 Blinking like an owl in daylight, when pestered by the flouts and peckings of mischievous birds.1859Tennyson Idylls, Enid 1523 Who put your beauty to this flout and scorn By dressing it in rags.
2. An object of flouting or mockery. Obs.
1708tr. Boileau's Lutrin 52 Howlet will be the Word, a standing Jest, The Flout of Boys, and Mirth of Every Feast.
II. flout, n.2 Obs. rare.
A truss (of straw.)
15..Kyng & Hermyt 331 in Hazl. E.E.P. I. 25 Be syde my bed thou must goo And take up a floute of strowe, Als softly as thou may.1847in Halliwell.
III. flout, n.3 Obs.
[? repr. OE. *flówet, f. flówan to flow.]
A watercourse.
14..in MS. Cantab. Ff. v. 48 f. 106 (Halliw.) And at a window cast him owt, Riȝt into Temse flowt.1583Inquisition in Lincolnsh. (N.), One sewer in Scotterings at the ould flout shall be sufficiently diked.
IV. flout, v.|flaʊt|
Also 6 floute, 6–7 flowte.
[First recorded in 16th c.; possibly special use (preserved in some dialect) of floute, ME. form of flute v. to play on the flute. Cf. a similar development of sense in Du. fluiten to play the flute, to mock, deride.]
1. trans. To mock, jeer, insult; to express contempt for, either in word or action. Also to flout (a person) out of (something).
1551Robinson tr. More's Utop. (Arb.) 26 In moste spitefull maner mockynge..and flowtinge them.1605Shakes. Macb. i. ii. 49 Where the Norweyan Banners flowt the Skie.1607Heywood Wom. Kilde Wks. 1874 II. 116 Now will I flout her poverty.1612–15Bp. Hall Contempl. O.T. i. v, Yet cannot they all flout Noah out of his faith.1727De Foe Syst. Magic ii. iv. 324 So the man was flouted on all hands.1805Scott Last Minstr. ii. 4 The gay beams of lightsome day Gild, but to flout, the ruins gray.1840Dickens Old. C. Shop xxxii, The genuine and only Jarley..flouted by beadles.1873Dixon Two Queens I. ii. ii. 80 One town grew jealous of another..Granada flouted Loga.
b. To quote or recite with sarcastic purpose.
1599Shakes. Much Ado i. i. 290 Ere you flout old ends any further, examine your conscience.
2. intr. To behave with disdain or contumely, to mock, jeer, scoff; to express contempt either by action or speech. Also dial. to scold. Const. at; whence in indirect passive.
1575R. B. Appius & V. B j b, What drake nosed driuell, begin you to floute.1641Vind. Smectymnuus 31 It never came into our thoughts..to flout, in so bold a manner.1678Barclay Apol. Quakers ii. § 1. 19 Some are apt to flout at it as ridiculous.1726Adv. Capt. R. Boyle 166 But I have the good Fortune not to be flouted at.1844Browning Garden Fancies i. vi, Ah, you may flout and turn up your faces.1876Besant & Rice Gold. Butterfly iv, The women pointed and flouted at her.
3. ? erroneous use (or ? another word). To ruffle (a bird's feathers).
1875Mayne Reid in Chamb. Jrnl. 7 Aug. 500 Not enough, breeze..to flout the long feathers in the tail of the..bird.
Hence ˈflouted ppl. a.
1855Singleton æneid vii. 602 Go now, to thankless jeopardy Expose thee, flouted [wight].




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