

单词 tourney
释义 I. tourney, n.1|ˈtʊənɪ, ˈtɜːnɪ|
Forms: α. 4 torneie, -aie, 5 -eye, -oye, 5–6 -ey, -oy, 6 -ay. β. 4–7 turnay, 4–8 -ey, -y, 6 -ei(e, -oye, -oi. γ. 4 tourneie, 4–9 -ay, 5 -eye, -oy, 6 -ai, 6–7 -oi, 4– tourney.
[ME. a. OF. tornei (Enéas, c 1150), turnei, tornai, tournay, F. tournoi, vbl. n. f. tornei-er, tourney v. So Prov. tornei, It., Sp., Pg. torneo.]
1. a. = tournament 1.
αc1374Chaucer Troylus iv. 1641 (1669) In werre or torney [v.r. tournay] Marcial.c1440Lovelich Merlin 9614 There departed the Torneye anon.c1483Caxton Dialogues 45/27 Reyner the squyer Is atte Justes At the tornoye.a1533Ld. Berners Huon xxi. 62, I..hauntyd the iustes & tornoys.a1548Hall Chron., Edw. IV 197 b, These ij valeant persones coped together in the tornay.1579Fenton Guicciard. iii. (1599) 107 The King..amused the time about iustes, torneys, and other pleasures of Court.
β13..K. Alis. 141 Ladies loven solas, and play · Swaynes, justes; knyghtis, turnay [Bodl. MS. tournay].1516St. Bridget in Myrr. our Ladye p. lv, In turneys and in vanytes of the worlde.1550J. Coke Eng. & Fr. Heralds §125 (1877) 95 Assaultes, turnois, scremuses and syeges.1556Chron. Gr. Friars 27 The kynge helde ryall justes, turnayes, & bankettes six dayes after.1558in Feuillerat Revels Q. Eliz. (1908) 70 The apparell & Trappers..appointed..for his Justes & Turneis.1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. iv. xxvii. 146 All sortes of turnoyes and cumbates.1632Milton Penseroso 118 Great Bards..have sung, Of Turneys and of Trophies hung.1742Collins Ode Poet. Char. 7 The magic Girdle..At solemn Turney hung on high.
γ13..Seuyn Sag. 719 In a mede was this tourney Of men that were of gret noblai.1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. xix. 27 There was also great iustes, tourneys, daunsyng, carolyng, and great feastis euery day.1552Huloet, Tournay, vide in turnay.1556Aurelie & Isab. (1608) E iv, She can not keape hir from the danses, jostes, tournois.1569T. Stocker tr. Diod. Sic. iii. xviii. 134 For the sportes, tournais, and diuerse other pastimes.1625Bacon Ess., Masques & Triumphs (Arb.) 540 For Iusts, and Tourneys.1820W. Irving Sketch Bk. I. 193 The suit of armour..embellished as if to figure in the tournay.1868Freeman Norm. Conq. (1877) II. viii. 265 Not justing with his lance as in a mimic tourney.
fig.1878E. Jenkins Haverholme 33 A few days' trial, a tournay of keen lawyers..and the poor man walked out of court beat.
b. Applied to ancient games; = tournament 1 c. Obs.
1485Caxton Trevisa's Higden ii. xxxii. (1527) 87 b, There the Iliens haue theyr tornamentes from iiij yere to iiij yere, so that iiij yere was bytwene the tornoyes.1586T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. i. (1594) 103 Cæsar the first Romane emperor..not sparing any cost upon plaies, turneies, feastes, largesses, and other baits to curry favour.1600Holland Livy xxix. xxii. 726 The land souldiours, running and charging one another at turney.1601Pliny viii. ii. I. 192 In the late solemnitie of tournois & sword-fight at the sharpe, which Germanicus Cæsar exhibited to gratifie the people.
c. = tournament n. 3.
1890J. Rayner Chess Problems 15 If..one should creep into a problem deemed by him..to be fit for a tourney, it will be useful..to know that the German school of problematists is less puritanical than the English.Ibid. 28 In solution and problem tourneys..it is necessary to throw aside all conventionalities.1950Sun (Baltimore) 20 June 21/6 It was really rather astonishing to watch this youth club his way through the tourney to a sturdy victory..in a 36-hole grind.1951Sport 30 Mar.–5 Apr. 10/2 J. Parsons..outscored Billy McHale, newly-crowned Northern Counties A.B.A. champion, in the miners' divisional tourney.1971Rand Daily Mail 4 Sept. 2/9 The Government's new sports policy..has guaranteed a welcome for all teams for next year's Federation Cup tennis tourney.1976Star (Sheffield) 3 Dec. 28/8 Last week with the results boosted by the netball tourney..there were 140 results in the Hotline columns.
2. attrib. and Comb., as tourney-day, tourney-fall, tourney-field, tourney-fight, tourney-prize; tourney-head, ? a blunt spearhead used in a tournament; tourney-helm, a helmet worn in tournaments, with light open bars across the face; distinguished from a tilting-helm; tourney-queen, the ‘queen of beauty’ at a tournament.
1813Scott Trierm. iii. xxxvii, Forgot was that fell *tourney-day.
1886J. Richmond Pref. Notice to Chatterton's Poet. Wks. 25 The gay crowd of the *tourney-field.
1872Tennyson Gareth & Lynette 88 In those brain-stunning shocks and *tourney-falls.
1814Scott Ld. of Isles iv. xxv, Victor in Woodstock's *tourney-fight.
1506–7Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. III. 364 Tua tournay suordis, four *tournay hedis to the tournay.
1872Tennyson Last Tourn. 32 Take thou the jewels of this dead innocence, And make them..a *tourney-prize.
1848Kingsley Saint's Trag. iv. iii. 97 Now ruffling up like any *tourney queen.
II. tourney, -ay, n.2 Obs.
Also 5–6 turn-.
[a. OF. tornee (13th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), F. tournée, It. tornata, ppl. n. from tourner, tornare to turn; lit. a turning, going round, circuit.]
1. The sheriff's tourn: see tourn. Obs. rare.
a1500in Arnolde's Chron. (1811) 181 All maner preuylegis frauncheses hundredis wapentakes leetis rapis vyew of frank⁓pledge sherefs turnays sherefgyldes amerciamentis.
2. One's turn in order or rotation. Obs. rare.
1523Fitzherb. Surv. 29 b, Also what lordes or Gentylmen haue their tourneyse [1539 turneys] with them in the same benifyce..who shall haue next.
III. tourney, v.|ˈtʊənɪ, ˈtɜːnɪ|
Forms: see tourney n.1
[ME. a. OF. tornei-er, -ey-er, tornai-er, -ay-er (later tornoi-ier, -oy-er, tournoy-er, etc. = Pr. torneiar, -ejar, torniar, Cat. tornejar, Sp., Pg. tornear, It. torneggiare:—Romanic type *tornizāre, *tornidiāre, f. torno, L. torn-us n. or torn-āre vb.: see turn n. and v. Tornizāre was a secondary formation, with a specific sense, referring to wheeling or evolutions.]
intr. To take part in a tourney; to contend or engage in a tournament.
α13..Sir Beues (A.) 611 Mani a gentil kniȝt Torneande riȝt in þe feld.Ibid. 3774 Þanne seide Beues vnto Terry: ‘Wile we tornaie for þat leuedy?’1390Gower Conf. I. 126 On jousteth wel, on other bet, And otherwhile thei torneie.c1440Lovelich Merlin 7177 Þere eche man torneyed with oþer.1470–85Malory Arthur vii. xi. 228 His custome is..to lye in this medowe to Iuste and torneye.
βc1435Torr. Portugal 2591 They justyd and turneyd there.1513Douglas æneis v. x. 10 Bid hym bring hiddir his rowtis to turnay.1567Drant Horace, De Arte Poet. B iv, He dare not turney, not yet tilte which neuer knew the play.1600Holland Livy xxvi. li. 624 He conversed among the legions, and turnoied with them.
γ13..K. Alis. 195 (Bodl. MS.) Þer was kniȝttes tourneying [v.r. turnyng].1470–85Malory Arthur i. v. 41 Alle knyȝtes that wold Iuste or tourneye.a1533Ld. Berners Gold. Bk. M. Aurel. (1546) D iij, Yf he vse armes, all wil tourney.1570Levins Manip. 197/15 To Tournay, hastis concurrere.1577–87Holinshed Chron. III. 803/1 So presented themselues..readie to tourneie.1622Mabbe tr. Aleman's Guzman d'Alf. i. 86 Because he might not Tourney.1715tr. Pancirollus' Rerum Mem. I. iv. xviii. 227 There were..tourneying together with coursing Chariots.1855Singleton Virgil I. 189 They tourney; in high heaven a din is raised.
b. transf.
a1400–50Alexander 5429 Ilka twelmonth a turne þai [snakes] turnay to-gedire.




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