

单词 foolify
释义 ˈfoolify, v. Obs.
[f. fool n.1 + -ify.]
trans. To make a fool of, render foolish.
1581M. Hanmer Jesuites Banner A iij b, They are foolified in themselues.a1641Bp. R. Montagu Acts & Mon. (1642) 80 God in Justice doth so foolifie their malice, that [etc.].
Hence ˈfoolified ppl. a.; ˈfoolifying vbl. n., the action of the vb.
1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. Ep. Ded. ⁋iij b, Talking fondly of a thing wherein I have no practise, as somtimes did foolified Phormio.1618Breton Court & Country (Grosart) 8/2 Is not the Clownifying of wit the Foolifying of vnderstanding?1632Vicars tr. æneid xi. 972 Circling, with policie, Her foolified foe.




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