

单词 forged
释义 forged, ppl. a.|fɔədʒd|
Also 4 i-forged.
[f. forge v. + -ed1.]
In senses of the vb.
a. Fashioned, framed. In quot. 1382 alle forgid trees = all kinds of wooden instruments. Obs.
1382Wyclif 2 Sam. vi. 5 Dauid and al Yrael pleiden before the Lord, in alle forgid trees, and harpis.
2. Fashioned at the forge. Of money: Coined.
c1386Chaucer Miller's T. 70 Full brighter was the shynyng of hir hewe, Than in the tour the noble yforged newe.1621G. Sandys Ovid's Met. v. 13 Nor shall thy wings, nor Jove in forged gold, Work thy escape.1679Essex Papers (Camden) I. 235 Soe that it may be..wrought as forged Iron is.a1839Praed Poems (1864) I. 259 Whose broken chain Than new forged bonds is far more dear.1881Daily News 11 Aug. 1/6 The ‘Standard’ Forged Horse Nails.
3. Fabricated, ‘got up’, ‘made up’, invented.
14..Lydg. Secrees 75 That double of tonge hatyd adulacyon, ffals Repoort..fforgyd talys with oute sekirnesse.1583Greene Mamillia Wks. (Grosart) II. 183 His fained faith and forged flatterie.1615G. Sandys Trav. 135 The Priests..by diuulging forged miracles, increased the number of her Votaries.a1639Spottiswood Hist. Ch. Scot. (1655) 37 Upon a forged quarrell.1671J. Webster Metallogr. i. 11 The learning attributed to Hermes Trismegist, is but of late years standing, and both the Author and it but forged and feigned.
4. Made in fraudulent imitation of something genuine; counterfeit, false, spurious.
1484Certificate in Surtees Misc. (1890) 42 A forget testimonyall.1509Act 1 Hen. VIII, c. 7 Many..forged informacions.1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. i. 38 This monstrous forged deuise.1592Warner Alb. Eng. vii. xxxv. (1612) 168 Lambert the forged Yorkest.1621G. Sandys Ovid's Met. ix. 75 What hope has thou, a forged Snake, to scape?1628Coke On Litt. lxxv. 172 This forged release.a1641Bp. R. Montagu Acts & Mon. (1642) 169 Many forged and counterfait writings.1817Parl. Debates 716 A forged Bank of England note.1858Greener Gunnery 246 Any such forged or counterfeit stamp.1876Humphreys Coin-Coll. Man. xxvi. 404 Acquainted with the aspect of forged coins.
Hence ˈforgedly adv.
1579Lyly Euphues (Arb.) 91 If thou wast minded both falsely, and forgedly to deceive me.1675tr. Camden's Hist. Eliz. iii. 355 That her Adversaries might easily..write many things forgedly and falsly.




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