

单词 forlie
释义 forˈlie, v. Obs.
Forms: see lie v.1
[OE. forlicᵹan (f. for- prefix1 + licᵹan lie v.1) = OHG. farligan (MHG. verligen).
Cf. Gr. aorist παρελέξατο lay with (a woman) secretly, which is etymologically equivalent.]
1. refl. Of a woman: To prostitute herself.
c893K. ælfred Oros. iii. vi. §2. a 1000 Laws Cnut liv.
2. intr. for refl. (Often conjugated with be). To commit fornication. Const. by or with.
c1200Ormin 3118 Forr þa mann munnde trowwenn wel þatt ȝho forrleȝenn wære.c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 519 And with him to be forlayne.1513Douglas æneis vi. i. 54 Prevalie with the bull forlane wes sche.Ibid. x. vii. 72 The quhilk Anchemolus..had forlayn his awin stepmoder by.
3. trans. Of the man: To lie with, violate.
c1205Lay. 15375 Heo for-læiȝen þa wif.13..Coer de L. 924 Forleyn was his doughter yyng.a1420Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. (Roxb.) 191 How many a wyfe & maide hathe be forlayne.1480Caxton Chron. Eng. e iij b, He wolde haue forlayne that maide.
4. To smother by lying upon, to overlie.
a1300Cursor M. 8623 (Cott.) Þat was for-lain Moght neuer couer þe lijf again.c1340Ibid. 8602 (Fairf.) An womman had hir childe for-layne.
III. 5. To be fatigued with lying (in bed).
1423Jas. I. Kingis Q. xi, For-wakit and for-walowit, thus musing Wery forlyin..I herd the bell to matyns ryng, And vp I rase, no langer wald I lye.




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