

单词 procatarctic
释义 procaˈtarctic, a. (n.) Obs.
[= F. procatarctique (16th c. in Littré), ad. mod.L. procatarctic-us, a. Gr. προκαταρκτικ-ός antecedent, f. προκατάρχειν to begin first.]
Med. Applied to an external cause which is the immediate occasion of a disease. Also applied gen. to the immediate or exciting cause of any effect, as distinguished from its predisposing cause or ground. (Opposed to proegumenal.)
1603Holland Plutarch Explan. Words, Procatarcticke causes of sicknesse, be such as are evident and comming from without, which yeeld occasion of disease, but do not mainteine the same: as the heat of the Sunne, causing headach or the ague.1627W. Sclater Exp. 2 Thess. (1629) 185, I can but wonder at Arminius and others, seeking in the vessels of Mercy, the Procatarcticke Cause of Election.1666G. Harvey Morb. Angl. xii. 132 The procatarctick or external causes of Pulmonique Consumptions.1717J. Keill Anim. Oecon. (1738) 234 No procatarctic Cause appears of so great a Perspiration in the Night.1822–34Good's Study Med. (ed. 4) I. 559 In early times the causes of diseases chiefly contemplated were proegumenal or predisponent and procatarctic or occasional. Thus an hereditary taint..may be regarded as a proegumenal cause of gout, and catching cold..may form its procatarctic cause.
b. By some applied to the primary cause.
1658Phillips s.v., Procatarctick cause, that cause which foregoeth or beginneth another cause [1696 (ed. 5) adds—and cooperates with others which are subsequent].1681tr. Willis' Rem. Med. Wks. Vocab., Procatarctic, remote, not next cause of a disease.1689Aubrey Lives, Lucius Cary (1898) I. 152 It so broke and weakned the king's army, that 'twas the procatarctique cause of his ruine.1695Tryon Dreams & Vis. App. 256 Pride may justly be said to be the chief Procatarctick, or remote original cause of Madness.1714Mandeville Fab. Bees (1725) I. 311 Whoever would accuse Ignorance, Stupidity, and Dastardness, as the first, and what Physicians call the Procatarctic Cause, let him examine into the Lives..and Actions of ordinary Rogues and our common Felons, and he will find the reverse to be true.
B. as n. (ellipt. for procatarctic cause).
1694Westmacott Script. Herb. 212 It is a procatarctic of the scurvy.




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