

单词 recessive
释义 reˈcessive, a. and n.
[f. L. recess-, ppl. stem of recēdĕre to recede + -ive.]
A. adj.
1. a. Tending to recede. Also (rare) of persons, retiring, reserved.
1672–3Grew Veget. Roots §38 They will also be more Pliable and recessive from the Centre.1721J. Clarke Moral Evil 23 That the constituent particles of it should be induced with particular impulsive or recessive forces.1925T. Dreiser Amer. Tragedy I. i. xiii. 95 She, for her part, felt recessive and thence evasive.
b. Philol. recessive accent, stress transferred towards or on to the first syllable of a word.
1879W. W. Goodwin Elem. Gr. Gram. (ed. 2) i. 19 When a word throws its accent as far back as possible..it is said to have recessive accent.1926Fowler Mod. Eng. Usage 168/1 He [sc. the latinist] has still to reckon with the recessive-accent tendency, which has as good a right to a voice in the matter as his erudition.1955Sci. Amer. Aug. 82/3 Add to these specimens the ‘recessive accent’—stressing of the first syllable of a word which has previously been accented on the second or third syllable.1973A. H. Sommerstein Sound Pattern Anc. Gr. v. 171 Action nouns..have recessive accent if masculine but final accent if feminine.
c. Philol. That tends to recede from use or fall into desuetude.
1935Univ. Mich. Publ. Lang. & Lit. XIII. 14 Inasmuch as the -eth plural was a recessive characteristic, we naturally find the -e(n) form as well as the -eth form occurring south of this line.1962Amer. Speech XXXVII. 172 Possibly coal hod is a recessive form on the Banks.1972M. L. Samuels Linguistic Evol. vi. 92 The isogloss for a given feature may or may not shift. If it does shift, there may be complete levelling resulting in the elimination of the recessive form.
2. Biol. [tr. G. recessiv (Mendel, Versuche über Pflanzenhybriden, in Verh. d. Naturforsch. Ver., Brünn (1865) IV. 10).] Applied to a hereditary trait which is not perceptibly expressed in heterozygotes, being masked by a dominant allele of the gene that determines it; hence applied also to an allele which can affect the phenotype only in the absence of some other, dominant, allele. Const. to the dominant allele.
1900, etc. [see dominant a. 7].1920Glasgow Herald 21 Aug. 4 The characters of tallness and dwarfness were thus separating out again. One of them, dwarfness, had temporarily disappeared in the first filial generation, and for that reason was called by Mendel the recessive character.1930R. A. Fisher Genet. Theory Nat. Selection iii. 52 The pronounced tendency of the mutant gene to be recessive, to the gene of wild type from which it arises, calls for explanation.1950Science News XV. 124 The research worker may find blood group inheritance a convenient field for study... Recessive characters, even in the presence of dominant ones, are quite easily recognised, for the heterozygotes can be distinguished from the homozygotes by using the appropriate antibodies.1964M. Argyle Psychol. & Social Probl. vi. 78 A single recessive gene produces the phenomenon of skipping generations and of carriers who do not show the condition themselves; certain kinds of mental deficiency are like this. Schizophrenia is thought by some to be inherited by two or more recessive genes.1971D. J. Cove Genetics ii. 14 If a heterozygous strain..resembles the strain homozygous for the A allele.., thus the A allele is said to be dominant to the a allele, or conversely the a allele is said to be recessive to the A allele.
B. n. Biol.
a. An individual in which a particular recessive allele is expressed.
b. A recessive allele or character.
1900W. Bateson in Jrnl. R. Hort. Soc. XXV. 58 Mendel discovered that in this generation the numerical proportion of dominants to recessives is approximately constant, being in fact as three to one.1902Rep. Evolution Committee R. Soc. I. 8 The recessives are thenceforth not only apparently but actually pure, and if allowed to fertilise themselves give rise to recessives only, for any number of generations.1905R. C. Punnett Mendelism 15 This condition behaves as a single recessive to the normal state.1916W. Bateson Probl. Genetics iv. 91 We find that..a diversity of recessives may appear within a moderately short period.1931E. B. Ford Mendelism & Evolution ii. iii. 47 The first gene to be discovered in Drosophila simulans was that for yellow body-colour. It is a sex-linked recessive.1949W. C. Allee et al. Princ. Animal Ecol. xxxiv. 655/1 Deleterious autosomal recessives are strikingly abundant in certain wild populations of Drosophila.1972J. Murray Genetic Diversity & Natural Selection ii. 5 The lowered fitness is the result of the unmasking of deleterious recessives.
Hence reˈcessively adv., in a receding manner.
1886Edin. Rev. Oct. 494 As she [Greece] passes recessively from the grand Attic period to the Spartan, the Theban, the Macedonian, and the Asiatic.




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