

单词 trauma
释义 trauma|ˈtrɔːmə, ˈtraʊmə|
Pl. traumas, traumata.
[a. Gr. τραῦµα wound.]
1. Path. A wound, or external bodily injury in general; also the condition caused by this; traumatism.
1693tr. Blancard's Phys. Dict. (ed. 2), Trauma,..a wound from an external cause.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Trauma, a Wound.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VI. 855 Trauma may lead to compression in one or other of the following ways.
2. a. Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry. A psychic injury, esp. one caused by emotional shock the memory of which is repressed and remains unhealed; an internal injury, esp. to the brain, which may result in a behavioural disorder of organic origin. Also, the state or condition so caused.
1894W. James in Psychol. Rev. I. 199 Certain reminiscences of the shock fall into the subliminal consciousness, where they can only be discovered in ‘hypnoid’ states. If left there, they act as permanent ‘psychic traumata’, thorns in the spirit, so to speak.1895Pop. Sci. Monthly July 386 We have named this psychical trauma, a morbid nervous condition.1896Brain XIX. 402 The author thought that the painful area on the thigh increased in size with the accession of fresh ‘psychical traumas’.1927Bryan & Strachey tr. Abraham's Sel. Papers i. 47 He [sc. Freud] assigns a secondary rôle to sexual traumas in youth and assumes the presence of an abnormal psychosexual constitution.1927Henderson & Gillespie Textbk. Psychiatry iii. 56 Trauma may produce mental symptoms in one of two ways. Either it causes structural injury to the brain, or it causes emotional disturbances... In the first instance the mental reaction is of the organic type..in the second the result is usually a psychoneurosis.1941S. H. Kraines Therapy of Neuroses & Psychoses xv. 343 Simple trauma to the brain does not produce psychotic symptoms.1950Brit. Jrnl. Psychol. June 235 Complexes can be regarded as ‘dissociated partial psyches’..the dissociation being produced by traumata, moral conflicts, etc.1954W. Mayer-Gross et al. Clin. Psychiatry x. 398 Mental disease due to brain trauma is only rarely a cause of admission to mental hospital.1967H. P. Laughlin Neuroses iv. 184 The specific trauma or event is not the raison d'etre, the cause of the depression.1980Daily Tel. 6 Dec. 12/3 Among the many shops and houses which advertise ‘Counselling’ (i.e., fortune-telling), I came across a hand⁓written notice which said ‘Traumas Treated’.
b. In general and fig. use.
1977H. Greene FSO-1 x. 96 We know the trauma you suffered..but you've gone about it all wrong.1977Mod. Railways Dec. 486/2 Because of the trauma in the American rapid transit vehicle business—caused largely by the dilution of the market by the aerospace companies and the absence of long runs of standard designs—only two firms had put in tenders.1978S. Brill Teamsters vi. 248 Much of that trauma had come not from the real damage Dorfman had done but from the way the press had misstated or exaggerated it.1981Daily Tel. 30 Oct. 1/1 This is a sensible deal. It will mean that we do not have to go through the trauma of possible strike action.




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