

单词 foully
释义 foully, adv.|ˈfaʊllɪ|
[f. foul a. + -ly2; in OE. fúllíce.]
In a foul manner.
1. Fetidly, noisomely, filthily, disgustingly.
a1300Cursor M. 6353 Þe water was al suete alson, Þe water þat sua fuli stanc.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xxi. 96 It es better þai be eten with fewles..þan foully to be eten in þe erthe with wormes.1568Grafton Chron. II. 77 Though she were sweete, nowe fowly doth she stinke.1642Quarles Feast for W. ix. ix. 36 Their service is unsweet and foully taint.
fig.1697Potter Antiq. Greece iii. iv. (1715) 48 There is scarce any Passage..which does not..foully disgust their curious..Palates.
2. Hideously; with gross disfigurement.
c1425Wyntoun Cron. vi. iii. 8 Fowlyly hym demenbryd þai.c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 7809 It was sa fouly sa defuyled.1566Drant Horace's Sat. i. iii, We calle him goose, and disarde doulte, and fowlye fatted nowle.1577–87Holinshed Chron. III. 1035/1 Houses..burned, and fowlie defaced with fire.1592W. Wyrley Armorie, Ld. Chandos 65 Fairest truth I fouliest masked.1632Sanderson 12 Serm. 466 Foulely defaced with Sinne.1728Swift Answer 261 Your numerous virtues foully stain'd.
3. Abominably, disgracefully, shamefully; with revolting wickedness, cruelty, or treachery.
c1230Hali Meid. 11 Meidenhad is te blosme þat beo ha eanes fulliche forcoruen, ne spruteð ha neauer eft.c1340Cursor M. 16461 (Trin.) Iudas..bihelde & seȝe how foulely þei wiþ him dalt.c1430Hymns Virg. (1867) 127 So betyn, so woundyd, Entretyd so fuly.1577–87Holinshed Chron. III. 1233/2 His goods by the commons fowlie despoiled.1583Stanyhurst æneis iii. (Arb.) 72 Al trust fowlye breaking.1605Camden Rem. 212 Forsooth, yee doe fowly to smite a King annoynted.1666Bunyan Grace Abound. ⁋159, I had not..transgressed so foully as he.1714Gay What d'ye call it? ii. iii, Filbert still is true; I foully wrong'd him.1859Tennyson Enid 459 From mine own earldom foully ousted me.1880M. E. Braddon Just as I am iii, He was foully murdered one October evening.
b. Impurely, obscenely.
a1050Liber Scintill. xxviii. (1889) 106 Wel oft soðlice ᵹyfernyss & ᵹenihtsumnyss wines fullice [turpiter] on galnysse tolætt.1603Shakes. Meas. for M. ii. ii. 174 Dost thou desire her fowly, for those things That make her good?1864Neale Seaton. Poems 265 Still Madlier the revel, foullier went the jest.
4. With gross contumely, insultingly. Now only with strong mixture of sense 3, with reference to slander or coarse language.
a1340Hampole Psalter xxi. 13, I am slane of thaim as fouly as watere is helt.c1340Cursor M. 24085 (Fairf.) Fouli þai on him spitte.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. xxi. 96 Thenne gan faith foully þe false Iewes to despisen.1577tr. Bullinger's Decades (1592) 129 The things wherein Gods name is fowly abused.1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, i. iii. 154 For whose death we..Liue scandaliz'd, and fouly spoken of.a1627Hayward Edw. VI (1630) 96 The other two [letters] did fully and fowly set forth his obstinacie.1639Fuller Holy War iii. xxx. (1647) 163 The Pope hearing thereof, belibelled him more fouly than ever before.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. IV. 234 The gentlemen who had been so foully slandered.
5. Badly, grievously. Obs.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 42 Bot ever was Eilred fouly begiled.1375Barbour Bruce vi. 156 Quha vist euir men sa fouly fall As vs, gif that we thusgat leif?1539Tonstall Serm. Palm Sund. (1823) 81 Surely they be fowelye deceyued.1577Hanmer Anc. Eccl. Hist. (1619) 360 He erred fowly in the..vnderstanding thereof.1603Knolles Hist. Turkes (1621) 1217 Hee fell sicke of the small poxe, wherewith hee..was..foulely tormented.1655Fuller Ch. Hist. ii. v. §1 Pope Formosus was foully offended. [1881R. Buchanan God and Man ii. vi, An innocent man foully taxed and troubled.]




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