

单词 trendle
释义 I. trendle, n.|ˈtrɛnd(ə)l|
Forms: 1–5 trendel, 4–6 -il, 5 -ill, -yl, -ull, (trenle), 5–6 trendell(e, -yll, 7 -al, 4– trendle.
[OE. trendel circle, ring, coronet, disk, orb, circus, = MLG. trendel round disk, MHG. trendel, trindel ball, circle, whence (acc. to Falk and Torp) OSw. trindhel circle, Sw. dial. trinnel:—OTeut. *trendilo-, f. root of trend v. See also trindle, trundle.]
1. A circle, a ring, a coronet; a circular disk, orb; a ball, globe. Obs.
a900O.E. Chron. an. 806 An wunderlic trendel [mirabilis corona] wearð ateowed abutan ðare sunnan.a1000Ags. Manual Astron. in Sax. Leechd. III. 242 Ðaes monan trendel is symle ᵹehal.c1000ælfric Hom. (Th.) II. 606 Seo lichamlice edwist, þæt is þære sunnan trendel.c1050Byrhtferth's Handboc in Anglia VIII. 333 Brevis [virgula] [i.e. ˘] ys anes trendles dæl þus licgende.1388Wyclif Isa. xxix. 3, Y schal cumpasse as a round trendil [1382 a bal; Vulg. sphæram] in thi cumpasse,..and Y schal sette engynes in to thi bisegyng.
2. A wheel: = trindle n. 1, trundle n. 1, 2. Obs. exc. dial.
1324Acc. Exch., K. R. Bd. 165 No. 1. m. 4 (P.R.O.) Pro xxviij snekkes cum xxviij stapulis ad tenendum trendles ligni pro springaldis tendendis.c1400Destr. Troy 453 Hir Ene as a trendull turned full rounde, First on hir fader, for feare þat she hade.c1440Promp. Parv. 502/1 Trendyl, troclea.1538Elyot, Spiræ, thynges whyche doo tourne and wynde in dyuers cerkles lyke a trendell... Also a cake made like a trendell.1570Levins Manip. 126/26 A Trendil, rota.1887Suppl. to Jamieson, Trendle, trindle, trenle, trinle, trunle, the wheel of a barrow, also the wooden portion of the wheel; a small wooden wheel such as is used for a trundle-bed.
3. A suspended hoop or wheel on which tapers were fixed, forming a chandelier, used in churches on certain occasions before the Reformation. Obs.
1423Will Hodesole (Somerset Ho.), Lego ad mantenendum le trendil ibidem.1452in Berks., Bucks. & Oxon. Archæol. Jrnl. Oct. (1903) 78 At y⊇ makyng of y⊇ Est[er] tapur & y⊇ trendull we spendyd iiij. d.1476Croscombe Churchw. Acc. (Som. Rec. Soc.) 57 Item for a rope for the Trendell..ixd.1502–3in Kerry Hist. St. Lawrence, Reading (1883) 53 It. payed to John Turner for makyng of the Trendyll ij s{ddd}for corde to the same Trendyll, vj d{ddd}for tymber to make þe trendyll whele..for a bolte and a swevyll to the trendyll, ij d.1524Churchw. Acc. St. Giles, Reading 22 For makyng of the trendell xviijd.
4. A vessel of flat rounded form; a round or oval tub used for various purposes; a circular trough or tray used by bakers. dial.
1493Yatton Churchw. Acc. (Som. Rec. Soc.) 119 Thes be perselles that longyth to the Cherche howse..ix barellys..xxj trendyllys..ij trowys.1516Ibid. 135 Payd for hopyng a trendelle of y⊇ churche..iijd.1669Worlidge Syst. Agric. (1681) 323 A Trendle, a flat Vessel, by some called a Kiver.1847–78Halliwell, Trendle,..a brewer's cooler. West.1874T. Hardy Far from Madding Crowd II. iii. 39 A clock with a face as big as a baking-trendle.
5. A bundle of (partly cleaned) wool ‘trended’ or wound up (see trend v. 2 b). dial.
1805J. Luccock Nat. Wool 298 Sworn winders..are engaged to strip off the coarse part of the fleece and to wind up only the better kind of wool; to tie about half a dozen fleeces together, and to ticket the weight of each bundle, or as it is there called trendle.
6. Applied to various round or rounded objects (the identity of which cannot always be ascertained).
14..Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 571/19 Catantrum, a trendell.Ibid. 586/29 Giraculum, a trendel.c1468Medulla Gram. (MS. Harl. 1738, lf. 39/2), Insubulus, a websters trendyl. [Insubuli is rendered web-beamas in Wr.-Wülcker 188/4.]1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. 29 A maiden..did..cast vp and receiue again one after another twelf trendles or roundles.1766Compl. Farmer, Trendle, any thing that turns round.1887Suppl. to Jamieson, Trendle,..a wooden roller on which a heavy block is moved along.
II. trendle, v. Obs.
Forms: see prec.; also 3 treondlin.
[f. prec. Cf. also trindle, trundle.]
1. trans. To cause to roll or revolve; to roll: = trundle v. 1 a.
[a1000Boeth. Metr. v. 17 Atrendlod of ðæm torre.]1382Wyclif Judg. vii. 13 Y sawȝ a sweuen, and it seemed to me, as a loof of barlich..to be trendlid and into the tentis of Madyan to goo doun.c1420Liber. Cocorum (1862) 45 Take white pese,..Put hom in pot..Trendel hom in platere and pyke hom clene.c1440Promp. Parv. 502/1 Trendelyn a rownd thynge (A. trendlyn as with a rownde thynge), trocleo, volvo.1552Huloet, Trendle a ball, proijcere pilam.1570Levins Manip. 65/29 To Trendle, rotare.
2. intr. To roll, revolve: = trundle v. 1 b.
a1225Leg. Kath. 2361, & te riche lefdis Letten teares treondlin.a1250Owl & Night. 135 Þeyh appel trendli from þe treo.c1400Laud Troy Bk. 5954 Sche turnes & trendeles as doth a bal.c1450Guy Warw. (C.) 3712 He smote the sowdan with hys sworde, That the hedde trendyld on þe borde.1495Trevisa's Barth. De P.R. ix. i. (W. de W.) y ij/1 A thynge that trenlyth [Bodl. MS. trendeþ] rounde abowte chaungyth not place towchynge all the hole.1598Yong Diana 300 A certaine thing like a round ball..that ran trendling in the meadow before vs.
Hence ˈtrendling vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1495Trevisa's Barth. De P.R. ix. i. (W. de W.) y ij/1 Some meuynge that is chaungynge of place is trenlynge [Bodl. MS. trendinge] and rounde wynded abowte.a1577Gascoigne Flowers, Fruites of Warre xliv, A tickell treasure, like a trendlynge ball.




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