

单词 freith
释义 freith, v. Sc. Obs.
Also 4 freth.
[Sc. form of frith v.]
trans. To set free, liberate. to freith oneself: to perform one's promise. esp. in Sc. Law. To release from an obligation or pecuniary burden.
13..Assis. Dav. II in Balfour's Practicks (1754) 18 To freith and releive thair borghis, except thay have a lauchfull essonyie.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints, Adrian 290 To freth his borowis & mak fre.1466Acta Dom. Audit. (1839) 3 To freith the said landis..of the v mercis..that he grantis he promist to pay.c1470Henry Wallace ix. 1516 Wallace gert freith the wemen, off hys grace.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. II. 187 That tha had done, and freith [thame] for to go To thair awin land.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. x. 319 The Protectour denyes ony way to freith the Erle afor the weiris be endet.Ibid. 350 Quene mother suld suirlie freith her selfe in al, quhat euir scho had promiste.




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