

单词 frith-stool
释义 frith-stool Obs. exc. Hist.
Also 1 frith-, frythstól, 7 freedstool, 9 fridstool.
[OE., f. frið, frith n.1 + stól chair, seat: see stool.]
a. OE. only. A place of safety; a refuge.
b. A seat, usually of stone, formerly placed near the altar in some churches, which afforded inviolable protection to those who sought privilege of sanctuary.
c1000Ags. Ps. (Th.) lxxxix. 1 Þu eart frið-stol us fæste, Drihten.a1016Laws of Ethelred vii. c. 16 And ᵹif forworht man frið-stol ᵹesece.1610Holland Camden's Brit. i. 712 This seat of Stone is called Freedstool, that is, The chaire of Peace.1662Ray Three Itin. ii. 137 At the upper end of the choir, on the right side of the altar stands the Freed stool.1829G. Poulson Beverley 687 The Fridstool is..hewn out of a solid stone, with a hollow back.1871Freeman Norm. Conq. (1876) IV. xviii. 288 Inviolable sanctuary..was afforded..by the frithstool of the saint.




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