

单词 fritillary
释义 fritillary|frɪˈtɪlərɪ|
[Anglicized form of prec. Cf. Fr. fritillaire.]
1. Any plant of the genus Fritillaria, esp. F. Meleagris (see prec.).
1633Gerarde's Herball i. lxxxix. 151 In English we may call it Turky-hen or Ginny-hen Floure, and also Checquered Daffodill, and Fritillarie, according to the Latine.1668Wilkins Real Char. 74 Fritillary.1688R. Holme Armoury ii. 74/1 The sullen Lady..some call it the black Fritillary.1767J. Abercrombie Ev. Man his own Gard. (1803) 47 Fritillaries, crown imperials, or any other kind of bulbous flower-roots.1828Miss Mitford Village Ser. iii. (1863) 531 The chequered fritillary or the tinted wood anemone.1867M. Arnold Thyrsis, I know what white, what purple fritillaries The grassy harvest of the river-fields Above by Ensham, down by Sandford yields.
2. A name for several species of butterfly, e.g. the Silver-washed Fritillary (Argynnis paphia) and the Queen of Spain Fritillary (A. lathonia).
1857Kingsley Two Y. Ago III. 132–3 The ‘white admirals’ and silver washed ‘fritillaries’ flit round every bramble bed.1866Blackmore C. Nowell xxx, Off dashed Bob after a Queen of Spain fritillary.




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