

单词 frost-bite
释义 I. ˈfrost-ˌbite, n.
‘The inflamed or gangrenous condition of the skin and adjacent parts produced by exposure to severe cold. The milder forms constitute chilblain; the severe form, or gangrene, may be either dry or moist, usually the latter’ (Syd. Soc. Lex. 1885).
1813J. Thomson Lect. Inflam. 57 Inflammation accompanying the state which is usually denominated frost-bite.1823Scoresby Jrnl. Whale Fishery 44 Some of the sailors suffered considerably from partial frost-bites.1876A. Arnold in Contemp. Rev. June 42 One does not look for frostbite in Ispahan.
II. ˈfrost-ˌbite, v.
Also 7 frost-bit.
trans. To injure with intense cold, also fig.; to invigorate by exposure to the frost (obs.); to get (oneself or one's limbs) frost-bitten.
1611Coryat's Crudities Panegyr. Verses G iij b, Emilia faire thou didst frost-bit, And shee inflamed thy melting wit.1667Pepys Diary 2 Jan., My wife up, and with Mrs. Pen to walk in the fields to frost-bite themselves.1856Kane Arct. Expl. I. xxix. 403 Morton has frost-bitten both his heels.
b. fig. To whiten.
a1618J. Davies Wittes Pilgrim. xcvii. Wks. (Grosart) 19 Many winters haue Frost-bit my Haires.
So frost-biting vbl. n.; frost-biting ppl. a., intensely cold. lit. and fig.
1593Tell-Troth's N.Y. Gift 23 His frost-biting words should nippe her.1633Earl of Manchester Al Mondo (1636) 28 The graine cast into the earth, after a frost-biting, comes up the fairer.1635L. Foxe N.W. Foxe 171 Such as had been upon those Frost-biting voyages.1711Swift Lett. (1767) III. 243 Pray walk when the frost comes, young ladies, go a frost-biting.1817–8Cobbett Resid. U.S. (1822) 202 If the cold be such as to produce danger of frost-biting, you must take care not to drink strong liquors.1895C. Markham in Westm. Gaz. 5 Sept. 7/1 The only effect of this was to stop the circulation and make frost-biting all the easier.




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