

单词 recite
释义 I. recite, n. rare.|rɪˈsaɪt|
[f. the vb., or ad. F. récit.]
A recital.
1685Temple Ess., Health Wks. 1731 I. 277 All the former Recites or Observations, either of long-lived Races or Persons in any Age or Country.1886R. F. Burton Arab. Nts. (abr. ed.) I. 331 Small birds on branches sang with melodious recite.
II. recite, v.|rɪˈsaɪt|
Forms: 5–7 resite, 6 resyte, -syght, -zyt, 6–7 resight; 5–6 recyte, (6 -ceite, Sc. -ceat), 6– recite.
[a. F. réciter (12th c.), or ad. L. recitāre, f. re- re- + citāre to cite.]
1. a. trans. To repeat or utter aloud (something previously composed, heard, or learned by heart); now spec. to repeat to an audience (a piece of verse or other composition) from memory and in an appropriate manner. Also, to read out or aloud (now rare).
1481Caxton Myrr. iii. x. 153 The Orysons that ben sayd and recyted euery day in the chirches.1530Palsgr. 681/1 He hath a syngular memorie, he recyted al our hole comunycacion and myssed nat a worde.1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie i. xv. (Arb.) 50 All other kinde of poems..were onely recited by mouth.a1660Hammond Serm. xxii. (1850) ii. 481 Moral precepts [young men] cannot be said to believe,..they now recite them only, and shall then understand them, when they come of age.1709Steele Tatler No. 47 ⁋3, I recited some Heroick Lines of my own.1789Burney Hist. Mus. IV. 18 The dialogue was neither sung in measure, nor declaimed without Music, but recited in simple musical tones.1816J. Wilson City of Plague ii. ii. 151 Methinks I hear his voice while he recites Some fragment of a poem.1884Horner Florence (ed. 2) II. xxxi. 421 Strozzi..endowed the Church in 1589 on condition of masses being recited for his soul.
b. To read out the name of (a person); to call on by name. Obs.—1
1572R. H. tr. Lauaterus' Ghostes (1596) 107 After this, the question is to be moved, eache man there present being recited whether he would answere unto this or that man.
c. To read out the charges on (a shield).
1859Thackeray Virgin. xxxii, ‘I make’, cries Charley, reciting the shield, ‘three merions [? morions] on a field or, with an earl's coronet’.
2. a. To relate, rehearse, narrate, tell, declare; to give an account of; to describe in detail. ? Obs.
1483Caxton Cato E vij b, Alle that thyn eyen seen thou oughtest not to recyte ne telle but..kepe hit secrete.1538Starkey England i. iv. 128 As touchyng thys poynt, yf I schold recyte al that I know [etc.].1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. i. xv, In his treaty..of the warres of Malta, [he] doth recyte a history no lesse lamentable.1599Massinger, etc. Old Law i. i, It is thought fit..that they be put to death as is before recited.1653H. Cogan tr. Pinto's Trav. xix. 68 Antonio..recited unto them his unhappy voyage.1725Pope Odyss. i. 221 Sincere, from whence began thy course, recite.
b. Law. To rehearse or state in a deed or other document (some fact bearing closely upon the matter in hand).
1430–1Rolls of Parlt. IV. 376/1 A remembrance..resityng ye issue yat is joyned..and certefying [etc.].1473–4Ibid. VI. 33/2 Recityng by the same among other that where, among certeyn liberties and privileges [etc.].1532Test. Ebor. (Surtees) VI. 31 Reciting that by a deed bipartite he had enfeoffed [etc.].1682[see reciting ppl. a.].1766Blackstone Comm. II. xxi. 358 The subsequent proceedings are made up into a record or recovery roll, in which the writ and complaint of the defendant are first recited.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) VI. 450 John Ivy, reciting that he had made a former will in the life of his wife [etc.].1859C. Barker Assoc. Princ. i. 13 The preamble..recites that many visitations had been made in the 200 years preceding.
3. To compose; to write down. Obs. rare.
1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. i. 2, I toke on me..to wryte and recite the sayd boke, and bare y⊇ same compyled into Ingland.1611Bible Ecclus. xliv. 5 Such as found out musical tunes, and recited verses in writing.1654Fuller Two Serm. 52 Wherefore he [God] reciteth downe mens Actions, not out of any necessitie to helpe himself to remember them; but partly out of State.
4. a. To go through or over in detail; to make separate mention of (a number of things); to enumerate, give a list of. Now rare.
a1533Ld. Berners Huon lxviii. 234 Yf and I sholde resyte all the ryches that they had there, it shold be to longe to be rehersed.1578T. N. tr. Conq. W. India 200 All the things recited, and many others which I speake not of, are sold in every market of Mexico.1613Purchas Pilgrimage v. vii. (1614) 508 What should I heere recite their Camphora, Mirrhe, Frankincense,..and a world of others?1641Wilkins Math. Magick i. v. (1648) 36 Divers other naturall problemes..which I forbear to recite.1695Woodward Nat. Hist. Earth i. (1723) 18 They were Minerals as the Belemnites and the others recited, are.1787J. Wesley Serm. II. xliii. 26 In many cases, by reciting the sins of their neighbours, men indulge their own foolish..desires.1818–28Hallam Mid. Ages (1841) I. iv. 386 We find only bishops and magnates recited as present.
b. To mention, speak of (a single thing). Obs.
1552Bury Wills (Camden) 143 To make vpp y⊇ full of xxli wthin this wyll resytted.1573L. Lloyd Marrow of Hist. (1653) 126 What should I recite Arganthonius, who was threescore years before he came unto his Kingdome?a1645Habington Surv. Worcs. in Worcs. Hist. Soc. Proc. ii. 321 Lendewyke..in the Charter of Kynges Kenred and Offa, recyted next to Evesham.
a. To cite, quote. Obs.
1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. 290 Allegeyng and recityng certain lawes many yeres afore graunted vnto them.1570Foxe A. & M. (1596) 78/2 After that, he reciteth the decree which he himselfe made against them.1621Burton Anat. Mel. i. ii. i. ii, Some few I will recite in this kinde out of most approoued Phisitians.1653H. More Antid. Ath. iii. ii. §1 (1712) 89, I will briefly recite some few of those many Miraculous passages.1710Prideaux Orig. Tithes iv. 165 The passage of Mathew Paris above recited.1793Beddoes Math. Evid. 14, I might recite the opinions of a considerable number of writers.
b. To cite or mention, to quote from (a book).
a1568R. Ascham Scholem. ii. (Arb.) 153 Which booke is oft recited, and moch praysed, in the fragmentes of Nonius.1672Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. i. viii. (ed. 3) 22 His Books are often recited (ed. 1 cited) by ancient Writers.1807G. Chalmers Caledonia I. ii. vi. 302 The Chronicon of Dunblane..is recited by Innes, in his MS. Collections.
a. intr. (or without direct object.) To relate, rehearse, etc. Obs. (Cf. sense 2.)
1484Caxton Fables of æsop iii. xiv, He that gyueth ayde and help to his enemy is cause of his dethe, as recyteth this fable.1541R. Copland Galyen's Terap. 2 E iv, Where they haue estemed that it shulde be superflue to recyte, they haue obmysed and left some.1554–9T. Watertoune in Songs & Ball. (1860) 11 Thus Esaye the prophet pleanly dothe resyght.
b. Const. of, or to with inf. Obs.
1485Caxton Paris & V. (1868) 16 Now it sholde be ouer⁓longe to recyte of the barons.c1531Hye way to Spyttel Hous 36 in Hazl. E.P.P. IV. 24 Of suche ryche men recyteth the gospell,..Saying [etc.].1597A. M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chirurg. 8 b/1 Hippocrates reciteth to have cured a personage which had receaved a shot with an arrowe.
7. intr. To repeat something from memory; U.S. to repeat a lesson, or be examined on one.
1742E. A. Holyoke Diary 22 Aug. (1911) 32 This day began to recite to Mr Flynt & Mr Appleton in Tully and virgill & Greek testament.1759S. Gardner Jrnl. 21 Mar. in Essex Inst. Hist. Coll. (1913) XLIX. 6 Finished reciting, the Dr. gave us good advice.1815Niles' Weekly Reg. IX. 18/1 Those not immediately engaged in reciting to some one or other of the professors, remain in their own chambers.1828Webster, Recite, to rehearse a lesson. The class will recite at 11 o'clock.1847Tennyson Princ. ii. 430 There One walk'd reciting by herself.a1882J. Quincy Figures of Past (1884) 14 From each of these books we were required to recite once a week.




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