

单词 fuze
释义 I. fuse, n.1 Obs. rare.
[perh. ad. OF. fuies, pl. of fuie:—L. fuga flight.]
The track of an animal. Also fig.
1611Cotgr., Foulée, the Slot of a Stag, the Fuse of a Bucke.a1670Hacket Abp. Williams i. (1692) 14 There wants a Scholar like a Hound of a sure Nose, that would not miss a true Scent..to trace those old Bishops in their fuse.
II. fuse, n.2|fjuːz|
Also 8 feuze, 9 fuze.
[ad. It. fuso (:—L. fūsus) spindle, hence applied to the spindle-shaped tube originally used as a ‘fuse’ for a bomb, etc. Cf. fusee2 3.]
1. A tube, casing, cord, etc., filled or saturated with combustible material, by means of which a military shell, the blast of a mine, etc. is ignited and exploded.
1644Nye Gunnery (1670) 63 Every Ball hath a hole, left to put in a Fuse or piece of wood just like a Faucet for a spigot..made taper.1692Capt. Smith's Seaman's Gram. ii. xxxi. 145 It is far more certain to fire a Morter-piece with Fuses then with Match.1769Falconer Dict. Marine (1789) C c iv, The fuse..is generally a conical tube, formed of beech, willow, or some dry wood, and filled with a composition of sulphur, salt petre, and mealed powder.1863Kinglake Crimea (1876) I. xiv. 240 The other was the man standing by with a lighted match and determined to touch the fuse.1869R. B. Smyth Goldf Victoria 612 Fuse, Fuze, a small cylindrical cord filled with powder or other combustible matter used for igniting the powder in a bore-hole.1879J. C. Fife-Cookson Armies of Balkans ii. 25 The shrapnel..did execution around us, the time fuzes acting well.
b. Prepared material of which fuses may be made by cutting it into lengths.
1767H. Brooke Fool of Quality (1792) II. x. 86 Having bound some feuze round..the extremity of each of their tails.1884[see quot. for fuse-bag in 2].
c. fig. short fuse: see short a. 26 a.
2. attrib. and Comb., as fuse-bag, fuse-composition, fuse-hole. Also fuse-cutter, -extractor, -gauge, -saw, -setter, -tape (see quots.).
1884Mil. Engin. I. ii. 109 Each *fuze bag to contain eight pieces of Bickford fuze.
1846Greener Sc. Gunnery 49, I therefore venture to suggest the possibility of the *fuse composition becoming altered in its properties, by the action of time and moisture.
1874Knight Dict. Mech. I. 920/2 *Fuse-cutter, an implement for gaging time-fuses to the desired seconds and fractions..The cutter for paper fuses for rifled guns..is more usually called a fuse-gage. It is a block of wood with a graduated brass gage let into one side, and having a hinged knife..by which the fuse..is cut off so as to burn any required length of time.
Ibid. 930/1 *Fuse-extractor, this implement is designed for extracting fuses from shells.1874*Fuse-gage [see fuse-cutter].
1692Capt. Smith's Seaman's Gram. ii. xxxi. 146 Try your Shells..by putting in a little Powder, and firing it, immediately stopping the *Fuse-hole with Clay.1858Greener Gunnery 83 A light cast-iron hollow ball, with a fuse hole.
1874Knight Dict. Mech. I. 930/2 *Fuse-saw, a tenon-saw used by artillery-men.
Ibid., *Fuse-setter, an implement for driving home wooden fuses.
Ibid., *Fuse-tape, a flat form of fuse, coated externally with pitch or tar.
III. fuse, fuze, n.3 Obs. rare.
[alteration of fusee, assimilated to prec.]
= fusee2 2. Also fuse-wheel.
1674Petty Disc. Dupl. Proportion 119 In the Fuze of a Watch, the greatest Strength of the Spring is made to work upon the shortest Vectis.1701Grew Cosm. Sacra ii. vi. §86. 61 Thinking Men considered how it [a clock] might be made portable..and so..put the Spring and Fuse-wheel, which make a Watch.
IV. fuse, n.4 Obs. rare—1.
= fusarole.
1715[see fusarole].
V. fuse, n.5 Electr.|fjuːz|
[f. fuse v.2]
In full safety fuse. A strip or wire of easily fusible metal (or a device containing this) inserted in an electric circuit, which melts (or ‘blows’) and thus interrupts the circuit when the current increases beyond a certain safe strength. Also fig. (see blow v.1 19 c).
1884R. Hammond Electr. Light v. 56 Conductor Joined with Fuse.Ibid. 58 Showing Safety Fuses in Circuit.1890J. W. Urquhart Electr. Light Fitting 160 The main object, then, of a safety fuse or cut-out..is to prevent accidental overheating.1890[see fuse board, sense b below].1923Wodehouse Inimitable Jeeves ii. 28 That scheme of yours..has blown out a fuse.1969Which? Sept. 282/2 When you buy a plug, it will normally have a 13-amp fuse inside.
b. fuse-block, -board, -box, -carrier, -holder, -mounting, -plate, -plug, various contrivances for holding a fuse or a number of fuses; fuse-wire, wire used to make fuses.
1885J. Dredge Electr. Illum. II. 325 A fuse box containing six fuses.1890J. W. Urquhart Electr. Light Fitting 162 The fuse plate may easily be removed and replaced by others.Ibid. 165 In such cases it is considered safer to assemble all the fuses upon a fuse board.1891H. E. Swift U.S. Patent 455,366, Fuse-wire cut outs or ‘fuse-blocks’, as they are commonly called, have also been used in connection with incandescent lamps, said fuse-blocks being located on the ceiling.1892F. C. Allsop Pract. Electr. Light Fitting 57 The reason why lead or lead-tin alloy is preferred for the fuse-wire of a cut-out.1893W. P. Maycock Electr. Lighting iii. xv. §220. 384 A S.P. fuse block.Ibid. 386 The fuse wire is fitted in what is called a fuse plug.1894D. L. Salomons Electr. Light Install. (ed. 7) II. 219 Another improvement..is that of placing under the fuse binding-screw a washer carrying a steady pin, which passes loose into the fuse block.Ibid. III. 162 It is almost impossible to remove the fuse-box cover or replace the fuse without removing this box completely.1899W. P. Maycock Electr. Wiring 185 The removable fuse carrier is of porcelain.Ibid. 245 The fuse-holders are of porcelain.1899H. M. Leaf Internal Wiring 85 A guide for determining..the sizes of fuse wires that may be employed for cut-outs.1914S. C. Batstone Electr.-Light Fitting 104 Porcelain Tubular Fuse Carrier.1936M. Kennedy Together & Apart i. 47 She snipped off lengths of fuse wire.1964R. F. Ficchi Electrical Interference vi. 78 The fuse-mounting and relay assembly is usually mounted close to the power source.
VI. fuse, a. Obs. rare—1.
[ad. L. fūs-us lit. ‘poured out’, pa. pple. of fundĕre to pour.]
= diffuse.
1724Wodrow Corr. (1843) III. 160 His style is fuse, and reasonings..pretty magisterial.
VII. fuse, v.1 Obs.
Forms: 1 fýsan, 3 fusen |y|. Also 3 fouse (see under fous a.).
[OE. fýsan, f. fús fous a. (Not identical with feeze.)]
1. intr. To hasten, set out hastily. Also refl.
a1000Cædmon's Gen. 2860 (Gr.) He..sona ongann fysan to fore.a1000Andreas 1698 (Gr.) He..Ongan hine þa fysan & to flote ᵹyrwan.c1205Lay. 1865 Forð com Corineus & fusde hine sulfne.Ibid. 13534 Alle we mote fusen.
2. trans. To forward or send forth speedily; to dispatch.
a1000Byrhtnoth 269 (Gr.) He fysde forð flan ᵹ enehe.c1000Lamb. Ps. li. 7 (Bosw.) He fysþ ðe of ᵹetelde.c1205Lay. 1511 Brutus nom al his ȝunge folc & hem to scipe fusede.
VIII. fuse, v.2|fjuːz|
[f. L. fūs- ppl. stem of fundĕre to pour, melt, found v.]
1. a. trans. To make fluid by means of intense heat; to liquefy, melt. Also with apart, together.
1681tr. Willis' Rem. Med. Wks. Vocab., Fuse, to melt as metals.1800tr. Lagrange's Chem. I. 321 If it be still exposed to heat, it..becomes fused into a transparent glass.1816J. Smith Panorama Sc. & Art II. 756 As soon as the colours are fused, the intensity of the fire should be abated.1863Tyndall Heat xiv. §113 A quantity of silver which had been fused in a ladle was allowed to solidify.1866Livingstone Last Jrnls. (1873) I. iv. 85 The strata fused together by heat.1878B. Taylor Deukalion ii. i. 58 As by fierce heat, the chains be fused apart.
absol.1831Fraser's Mag. III. 134 The volcanic fire that smoulders and fuses in secret.1879Cassell's Techn. Educ. IV. 359/2 Collect the crystals, dry, and fuse.
b. Of a flux: To facilitate the fusion of.
1796Kirwan Elem. Min. (ed. 2) I. 6 They [fluxes] fuse lime without effervescence.1800tr. Lagrange's Chem. I. 378 Ammoniacal phosphate of soda fuses this matter perfectly.
c. fig. Often with the sense: To blend intimately, amalgamate, unite into one whole, as by melting together.
1817Coleridge Biog. Lit. 149 He diffuses a tone and spirit of unity, that blends, and (as it were) fuses, each into each.1851Robertson Serm. Ser. iii. xi. 136 The threat of foreign invasion had fused down and broken the edges of conflict and variance.1857H. Reed Lect. Brit. Poets iv. 136 Fused by the heat of poetic genius and poured out in one glowing and glittering flood.1860Tyndall Glac. i. xxii. 159 To fuse myself amongst them as if I had been an old acquaintance.1867Goldw. Smith Three Eng. Statesmen (1882) 12 The Scotch nation, nobles and commons, ministers and people, wonderfully fused together by fiery enthusiasm, poured like a lava torrent on the aggressor.1869Farrar Fam. Speech iv. (1873) 121 A Chinese grammar cannot..be fused into the moulds of our Aryan logic.
d. transf. To liquefy, attenuate, thin (the blood).
1704F. Fuller Med. Gymn. (1711) 111 They fuze and divide [the Blood] and break its Globules.1733Cheyne Eng. Malady ii. iv. §4 (1734) 147 Purgatives are either..to cleanse the Primæ Viæ, or to fuse and thin the Blood.1822–34[see fused ppl. a.].
2. a. intr. To become fluid or liquefied with heat; to melt.
1800tr. Lagrange's Chem. I. 167 A mixture of these three substances fuses much easier.1838T. Thomson Chem. Org. Bodies 16 The crystals..fuse into a liquid.1858Froude Hist. Eng. III. 74 They were to fret and chafe till the dust was beaten off, and the grains of gold could meet and fuse.1881Young Every Man his own Mechanic §1500. 678 By hard solder is meant one that only fuses at a high temperature.
b. fig.
1840Dickens Barn. Rudge xxxvii, Eyes so small and near together, that his broken nose alone seemed to prevent their meeting and fusing into one of the usual size.1873Dixon Two Queens I. iii. iii. 131 These passions fused and centred in one radiant point.
c. Of an electric light, appliance, etc.: to fail or be extinguished owing to the melting of a fuse. Also trans., to cause (a circuit, etc.) so to fail.
1887Fire Offices Rules for Electr. Light Installations 7 The cut-outs may be arranged to fuse at a higher per-centage.1930Daily Express 6 Nov. 2/2 Two minutes before he arrived..the lights in the building fused.1940G. D. H. & M. Cole Murder at Munition Works xx. 192, I was in his shop once when the light fused.1951Good Housek. Home Encycl. 80/2 A heater should never be run from a lighting plug, as this is apt to fuse the circuit.
3. Anat. Of contiguous vessels, bones, etc.: To coalesce.
1870Rolleston Anim. Life Introd. 56 There are two systemic aortæ which either fuse, or anastomose.1872Mivart Elem. Anat. 39 In Tortoises all the trunk vertebræ are fused.1878Bell Gegenbaur's Comp. Anat. 456 In the Anura these fuse together on either side to form a fronto⁓parietal.
Hence ˈfusing ppl. a.
1817Coleridge Biog. Lit. II. xxii. 171 The blinding, fusing power of Imagination and Passion.1873Symonds Grk. Poets i. 10 The fire of moulding, fusing and controlling genius.
IX. fuse, fuze, v.3|fjuːz|
Also fuze.
[f. fuse n.2]
trans. To furnish with a fuse.
1802Wellington Jrnl. 30 Nov. in Gurw. Desp. I. 382 Ordering..2500 four and half inch shells, 600 to be filled, fused, etc.1823P. Nicholson Pract. Build. 396 Slate is extracted..by making perforations between its beds, into which gunpowder is placed and fused.1869Daily News 3 July, The projectiles can be fuzed and adjusted.
Hence fused ppl. a., ˈfusing vbl. n.
1869Daily News 3 July, The Horse Artillery..obtained 265 impressions with the Shrapnell; 323 with the segment, double fuzed.1884Mil. Engin. I. ii. 104 Each man will throw four fuzed grenades across the ditch.1895Daily News 23 July 6/1 They failed in one important point—the correct fuzing of the shells.
X. fuse, v.4|fjuːz|
[f. fuse n.5]
trans. To insert a fuse in (a circuit), to furnish with a fuse.
1894D. Salomons Electr. Light Installations (ed. 7) II. vi. 234 The idea of fusing the plug is probably due to Mr. Massey.1914D. C. Shafer Harper's Everyday Electricity ix. 90 The method of fusing a house circuit is best shown in Fig. 12.1954F. Wiseman Penguin Handyman (ed. 3) i. 11 A circuit supplying this [current] should be fused with a 5-amp fuse wire.
Hence fused ppl. a.
1934C. Haslett Electr. Handbk. for Women ix. 183 Fused plugs are available and are often found very useful.1962B.S.I. News Mar. 24/2 Socket-outlets requiring fused plugs must not accept unfused plugs.1967Do It Yourself Nov. 1283/2 Feed the circuit from a fused spur box situated in a conspicuous position on the landing.




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