

单词 galingale
释义 galingale|ˈgælɪŋgeɪl|
Forms: (1 gallengar), 4–5 galyngal(e, 5 ganyngale, 6 gallyngale, galigal, 6–9 galingal, 7 gallingale, galingame, galingall, 6–9 galangal(e, 7 galangall, calangall, 6, 8 galengal, 8 galengale, 4– galingale.
[ad. OF. galingal (garingal), a. Arab. khalanjān or khaulinjān, said to be a. (through Pers.) Chinese Ko-liang-kiang, lit. ‘mild ginger from Ko,’ a prefecture in the province of Canton. The word appears also as med.L. galanga, galinga (F. galangue), MDu. galigaen (Du. galigaan, galgant), MHG. galgan (mod.Ger. galgant). Several of these continental forms are, like the English word, applied to some kind of sedge and its dried roots, as well as to the oriental product.]
1. The aromatic root of certain East Indian plants of the genera Alpinia and Kæmpferia, formerly much used in medicine and cookery.
c1000Sax. Leechd. III. 12 Þonne do ðu pipor, & side⁓ware, & gallengar, & ᵹinᵹifre.c1305Land Cokayne 73 The note is gingeuir and galingale.c1386Chaucer Prol. 381 A Cook they hadde with hem for the nones To boille the chiknes with the Marybones And poudre Marchant tart and galyngale.1480Caxton Ovid's Met. x. vii, Ther groweth galyngal, cytoual, gynger canel & encens.1553Eden Treat. Newe Ind. (Arb.) 23 In this Iland is greate plentie of pepper, Nuttemegges, Spikenarde, Galangale, and other spices.1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts 373 It were good..to put thereunto some Cinamon, Ginger, Galingale, & such hot pieces.1697W. Dampier Voy. II. i. 63 China root, Galingame, Rhubarb, Ginger, &c.1736Bailey Househ. Dict. 49 Cardamums, Cloves, Cubebs, Galangal, Ginger, Mace and Nutmegs.1830Lindley Nat. Syst. Bot. 267 The warm and pungent roots of the greater and lesser Galangale are..used by the Indian doctors in cases of dyspepsia.
b. A dish seasoned with galingale. Obs.
a1616Beaum. & Fl. Bloody Bro. ii. ii, Put in some of this [sc. poison], the matter's ended; Dredge you a dish of plovers, there's the art on't; Or in a galingale, a little does it.
2. Applied to an English species of sedge, Cyperus longus, sometimes distinguished as ‘English galingale’, the root of which has similar properties to those of the true galingale.
1578Lyte Dodoens iii. xxiii. 346 The roote of Cyperus or English Galangal is hoote and dry in the third degree.1589Cogan Haven Health (1636) 84 Galingale, or rather Cipresse roots, though it bee rare, yet is it found in some Gardens.1832Tennyson Lotos-Eaters 23 Many a winding vale And meadow, set with slender galingale.
3. attrib., as galingale-root.
c1611Chapman Iliad xxi. 332 The lote trees, sea-grass reeds, And rushes, with the galingale roots..all were fir'd.1743Lond. & Country Brew. iii. (ed. 2) 226 Add a Pound or two of Galingal-Roots to it.




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