

单词 galley-halfpenny
释义 galley-halfpenny Obs.
Forms: see galley and halfpenny.
[f. galley n. + halfpenny.]
A silver coin, said to have been introduced into England by the sailors of the Genoese and other galleys that traded to London. Its use was prohibited by law early in the 15th cent.
1409–10Act 11 Hen. IV, c. 5 Ordeinez est & establiz que les ditz galihalpenyes jāmes ne courgent en paiement..deinz le roiaulme Dengleterre.1460J. Capgrave Chron. (Rolls) 313 In this tyme [4 Henry V] was it defendid that galey halfpenies schuld not be used.1521–2Churchw. Acct.-bk. in N. & Q. 4th Ser. II. 344 Resaved for ij vnces of galy halfepenys sold this yere vis. iiijd.1542Becon Policy War Pref, Wks. (1564) 125 b, My riches are not worth a Gally halfe peny.1619Dalton Countr. Just. cvii. (1630) 277 Money called Galley halfepence..to bring and put in payment any such was made felonie by the Statute.1710Hearne Collect. (O.H.S.) II. 338 The half-pence of Janua (commonly call'd Galley-half-pence).




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