

单词 galloglass
释义 galloglass Obs. exc. Hist.|ˈgæləglɑːs, -glæs|
Forms: α. 6 galloglas(se, galoglas, galloweglass, gallyglasse, 7 galli(n)glass(e, (gallowgross), 9 gallaglass, 6–7, 9 galloglass, gallowglass. β. 6 galloglogh, 7 gallegalagh, 7, 9 galloglagh, 8–9 galloglach.
[a. Ir. and Gael. gall-óglách, f. gall foreigner, stranger + óglách youth, servant, warrior. The etymologically correct form galloglagh appears later than the erroneous galloglass, which was prob. the result of the pl. gallogla(gh)s; in some early instances galloglas seems to be used as a pl., but galloglasses is found already in our earliest quot.
The statement, made on etymological grounds by Spenser (State of Irel. 640/1, Globe ed.), that the ‘galloglasses’ were originally English mercenaries, seems doubtful; gall is used of foreigners or strangers generally, and, although mainly applied to the English in Spenser's day, may not have been so restricted at the time when the compound was formed.]
1. One of a particular class of soldiers or retainers formerly maintained by Irish chiefs.
αc1515St. Papers Hen. VIII (1834) II. 5, 500 sperys 500 galloglasseis, and 1000 kerne.1520Ibid. 46, 18 baners of galoglas.c1538R. Cowley in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. II. 96 Which bere all the burdon of the chargis of holding horse⁓men, galloglas and kerne.1540St. Papers Hen. VIII (1834) III. 169 The saide Cahir shall pay yerely..the tributes and summes of mony, with refeccions and sustencions of all the galloglasses, as was accustumed to be payed by his auncetours.1577Stanyhurst Descr. Irel. in Holinshed II. 45/1 The fourth degree is a galloglasse, vsing a kind of pollax for his weapon.1600J. Dymmok Ireland (1843) 7 The Galloglass are pycked and scelected men of great and mightie bodies, crewell without compassion.1610Holland Camden's Brit. ii. 147 Souldiours set in the rere gard, whom they terme Galloglasses, who fight with most keene hatchets.1814Scott Ld. of Isles i. viii, Loud shouts each hardy galla-glass.1875Lowell Spenser Pr. Wks. 1890 IV. 296 In October the wild kerns and gallowglasses rose in no mood for sparing the house of Pindarus.
β1534St. Papers Hen. VIII (1834) II. 185, 10 scor spearys, callid gallogloghis.1610Holland Camden's Brit. ii. 172 Fennyngher O-Conghir slew Cale-Rothe and with him of Galloglahes and others about three hundred.1848–51J. O'Donovan Ann. 4 Masters (1856) I. 119 note, The bands of kernes and galloglaghs or gallowglasses, supported by the Irish chieftains of the later ages.
2. In the Highlands: = henchman 2.
1703M. Martin Descr. W. Isl. Scotl. 104 Every Chieftain had a bold Armour-Bearer, whose business was always to attend the Person of his Master night and day to prevent any surprize, and this man was called Galloglach.
3. attrib. in galloglass-axe.
1580Hooker Life Sir P. Carew in Archæol. XXVIII. 139 Everye man toke a galloweglasse axe of theires who were slayne.1596Lanc. Wills III. 4 A gally glasse axe.




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