

单词 gallon
释义 gallon|ˈgælən|
Forms: 3–4 galun, 4–5 galoun, 5 galown, 5–7 galon, 6 galne (gal(l)ond(e, galla(u)nde, 7 gallante), 6– gallon.
[a. ONF. galun, galon, Central OF. jalon, etc. (= med.L. galōn-em), app. cogn. with F. jale bowl. Cf. the diminutive form OF. galet, jalet masc., med.L. galleta fem., a measure for wine, OE. ᵹęllet bowl (? from Rom. or popular L.), Pg. galheta mug; also OF. galaie, galeie, jalaie, etc., fem. a measure for liquids, grain, etc. The ultimate origin is unknown.]
1. An English measure of capacity. The imperial gallon contains 2771/4 cubic inches: the winegallon of 231 cubic inches is the standard in the United States.
c1300in Wright Relig. Songs vii. 37 Bachares and brueres..Loȝe heo holdet hore galun, mid berme heo hine fulleth.1362Langl. P. Pl. A. v. 187 He that repenteth rathest schulde arysen aftur And greten sir Gloten with a galun of ale [B. a galoun ale].c1386Chaucer Manciple's Prol. 24 Ther is falle on me swich heuinesse..þat me were leuere slepe, Than the beste galon wyn in Chepe.c1420Liber Cocorum (1862) 26 To a pot of oyle of on galon, And of hony a qwharte thou take.1509Barclay Shyp of Folys (1570) 230 Some voyde mo cups then man would thinke possible, And other some galons, so that theyr ioynts are feble.1542Recorde Gr. Artes (1575) 204, 8 pounde (or 8 pyntes) doe make a Gallon.a1656Ussher Ann. an. 3679 (1658) 275 He that drank most, was one Promachus, who drank off fower gallons and one pottle.1725Bradley Fam. Dict. s.v., In Liquids two Pottles, or four Quarts, or eight Pints, make one Gallon..But in dry Measure, two Gallons, which is six Pottles, make one Peck.1827Lytton Pelham I. ii. 12 The men drank ale by the gallon.1862Ansted Channel Isl. iv. App. A. (ed. 2) 566 The Jersey wine gallon, as commonly estimated, contains rather more than two hundred and forty seven cubic inches English.
b. As a dry measure for corn, bread, etc.
1684R. H. School Recreat. 132 Take a Gallon of Wheat, and Oat-meal-flower.1725[see 1].1883Harper's Mag. Apr. 657/2, I ask questions in order to discover what a gallon of bread is.1887Kent Gloss. s.v., ‘I'd far rather pay a shilling for a gallon of bread than have it so very cheap.’
c. fig. A large amount.
1575G. Harvey Letter-bk. (Camden) 90 To requite your gallonde of godbwyes.
2. A vessel for holding liquids (tr. L. lagena).
1382Wyclif Isa. xxx. 14 And shal be to-mynusht, as is to-brosid the galoun of the crockere.Mark xiv. 13 A man beringe a galoun of watir.1459in Paston Lett. I. 472, ij. galons, with gilt verges.
3. attrib., as gallon-bottle, gallon-measure, gallon-pot.
1459in Paston Lett. I. 469 ij. galon pottes, all gilt.Ibid. 488, j. payre galon bottels of one sorte.1465in Heath Grocers' Comp. (1869) 424, ii Galon Pottis chased and half gylte.1481Durham MS. Cell. Roll, j galon mesour.




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