

单词 gangrene
释义 I. gangrene, n.|ˈgæŋgriːn|
Forms: α. 6 cancrena, 6–7 gangrena, 7 gangræna; β. 6 gangræne, 7 gangren, gangriene, 7–9 gangreen, 7– gangrene.
[ad. L. gangræna (-grēna), a. Gr. γάγγραινα: cf. F. gangrène; also It. and med.L. cancrena (whence the earliest Eng. form).]
1. A necrosis or mortification of part of the body, extending over some considerable area in a visible mass. Sometimes used to denote the first stage of mortification.
1543Traheron tr. Vigo's Chirurg. ii. xvi. 26/1 Cancrena is not taken for fleshe deade altogether, but for that whyche begynneth to putrifye by lyttle and lyttle.1563T. Gale Chirurg. i. 44 a, A fracture hauinge wyth hym ioyned gangrena.1573Ann. Barber-Surg. Lond. (1890) 317 Mr. Watson of the Towre which dyed of Gangrena in his fote.1597A. M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chirurg. 2/4 Out of the which proceedeth a Gangræne or mortificatione.1626Bacon Sylva §333 It appeareth also in the Gangreen or Mortification of Flesh, either by Opiates, or by Intense Cold.c1720W. Gibson Farrier's Guide ii. liii. (1738) 206 A Gangrene is a sudden, violent, and excessive inflammation..and is no other than a beginning Mortification.1789W. Buchan Dom. Med. (1790) 577 Straining it too much might occasion an inflammation of the parts, and endanger a gangrene.1838Thirlwall Greece II. xiv. 245 A gangrene had begun in his injured limb.1866A. Flint Princ. Med. (1880) 52 Necrosis with decomposition..is usually called gangrene, although this term is also often applied to forms of simple necrosis.
2. fig.
1602W. Watson Quodlibets of Relig. & State 41 These..men haue bespattered with a most dangerous Gangrene, the whole bodie misticall of Christ.1607Middleton Five Gallants ii. iii. D 4 b, It may growe to a gangrene in our credits and bee incurable.1612T. James Jesuits' Downf. 47 Jesuitisme from a Serpigo, is become a Gangræna, it must therefore be cut of.1655Fuller Ch. Hist. i. iv. §21 But now (alas!) the Gangrene of that Heresy began to spread it self into this Island.1758Johnson Idler No. 22 ⁋3 To the community..corruption is a gangrene.1834H. Martineau Moral ii. 66 Our pauper system..the great political gangrene of England.1896Gladstone in Daily News 1 June 7/5 If they [religious controversies] do not proceed to gangrene and to mortification, at least they tend to harden into fixed facts.
3. attrib. Also quasi-adj. Gangrenous.
1715tr. C'tess Daunoy's Wks. 57 False Zealots, who cry'd out, that I was a Gangreen Member that was to be cut off from the rest of the Body.1835Browning Paracelsus iv. Poet. Wks. 1896 I. 53 Were your nature fit To be defiled, your eyes the eyes to ache At gangrene-blotches.
II. gangrene, v.|ˈgæŋgriːn|
[f. prec. n. Cf. F. gangrener.]
1. intr. To become mortified.
1614in Crt. & Times Jas. I (1849) I. 327 He had a swelling in the thigh, which..grew so angry, that it gangrened and made an end of him.a1654Selden Table-T. (Arb.) 42 Your Leg will Gangreen within three days.1671Milton Samson 621. 1707 Curios. in Husb. & Gard. 109 It prevents a Wound from gangrening.1788Burke Sp. agst. W. Hastings Wks. XIII. 323 They made rods of a plant highly caustick and poisonous..every wound of which festers and gangrenes.1870Daily News 22 Sept., Such was the predisposition to disease that the slightest wound gangrened and became incurable.
fig.1618Naunton in Fortesc. Papers (Camden) 74 The divisions and rentes which they plotted betwene the protestantes doe now begin to gangren amonge themselves.
2. trans. To bring into a state of mortification.
The first two quots. possibly belong to sense 1 or to gangrened ppl. a.
1607Shakes. Cor. iii. i. 307 The seruice of the foote Being once gangren'd, is not then respected For what before it was.1626Bacon Sylva §788 In the cold Countries, when Mens Noses and Ears are mortified, and (as it were) Gangrened with cold.a1673G. Swinnock in Spurgeon Treas. Dav. cxli. 5 When he had by sin, and continuance in it, so gangrened his flesh, and corrupted himself.1683A. Snape Anat. Horse iii. v. 112 The Matter by that means is there stayed, and..ulcerates and gangrenes all the passages of the Nostrils.1819Shelley Cenci ii. i, When the rust Of heavy chains has gangrened his sweet limbs.1868Duncan tr. Figuier's Ins. World ii. 72 They have been known to reach the ball of the eye, and to gangrene the eyelids.
fig.1803tr. d'Arnaud's Lorimon II. 120, I have..sworn that avarice had not gangreened your soul to the degree report had spread abroad.1886Pall Mall G. 2 June 1/1 He is said to be free from that intense personal feeling which gangrenes our politics.




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