

单词 tugury
释义 ˈtugury, ˈtigurye Obs. rare.
Also 5 tygurie, -ye, te-, tugurry.
[ad. L. tugurium, tigurium a hut, cot, peasant's cottage. Cf. F. tugure, tugurion (Cotgr.).]
A hut, cot, cell.
1412–20Lydg. Chron. Troy ii. 8660 From storm & reyn hem silf[e] for to saue, Þei deuised oþer habitacles, Tegurries [ed. 1555 tiguryes] & smale receptacles To schroude hem in.c1440Promp. Parv. 505/1 Tugurry, schudde, tugurrium.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. (1498) 11 b/1 O blessyd tygurie or lytyl hous.1491Vitas Patr. (1495) 11 They [hermits] were unyed in charytee in theyr tyguryes or celles.




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