

单词 gastness
释义 ˈgastness Obs.
[f. gast ppl. a. + -ness.]
Terrified condition or appearance; terror, dread.
c1374Chaucer Boeth. iii. pr. v. 59 (Camb. MS.) A tyraunt..shewede by symylytude the dredes of Reaumes by gastnesse of a swerd þat heng ouer the heued of hys famyler.1382Wyclif Josh. ii. 9 Ȝoure gastnes is faln into vs.1 Sam. xxxi. 4 And his squier wolde not; forsothe he was agaist with to mych gaistnes.a1420Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 20 And of the brotilnesse of hir nature My tremlyng hert so grete gastnesse hadde, That [etc.].1604Shakes. Oth. v. i. 106 Looke you pale, Mistris? Do you perceiue the gastnesse of her eye.1721Bailey, Gasteness, terror, dread.




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