

单词 gavelet
释义 gavelet Law. Obs.
[f. gavel n.1
The second element is obscure: perh. the word arose from some phrase in which OE. gafol occurred with lǽtan to let, neglect.]
A legal process against a tenant for non-payment of rent; chiefly relating to lands held in gavelkind (see quots.).
1{ddd} in Somner Treat. Gavelkind (1660) 31 Et postea per quandam consuetudinem, quæ vocatur Gavelate, usitatam in comitatu isto de terris & tenementis de Gavelkinde, pro redditibus & servitiis quæ a retro fuerint de eisdem per plures annos devenerunt eædem terrae in manus cujusdam Abbatis, &c.1317Act [? 10 Edw. II] in Stat. Realm (1810) I. 222 (Statutum de Gaveleto in London) Tunc ipsi tenentes inplacitentur de Gaveleto.1419in Liber Albus (Rolls) III. 186 De Gavellet. Item, en brief de Gaivelett les tenauntz averount troys somons et troys essones.1607Cowell Interpr., Gavelet is a speciall and auncient kinde of Cessauit vsed in Kent, where the custome of Gavill kind continueth: whereby the tenent shall forfeit his lands and tenements to the Lorde of whome he holdeth, if he withdraw from him his due rents and seruices.1741T. Robinson Gavelkind ii. vi. 253 Framed the Statute of Gavelet for Rents arrear in London.Ibid. Custum. Kent 292 If his escheate be by Gavelate.




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