

单词 turmoil
释义 I. turmoil, n.|ˈtɜːmɔɪl|
Forms: see turmoil v.
[See turmoil v.]
A state of agitation or commotion; disturbance, tumult; trouble, disquiet.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 75 Where..the mynde is full of vayne cogitacyons and turmoyle of worldly desyres.1555Eden Decades 144 In all the turmoyles and tragicall affayres of the Ocean, nothynge hath so muche displeased me as the couetousnes of this man.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. ii. (S.T.S.) I. 138 Nathir in al this truble and Tormoyle of the Scottis was the Pechtis frie of truble.1698Fryer Acc. E. India & P. 2 What makes these Seas in such a constant Turmoil?1792V. Knox Serm. xix. 412 The noise of business, as it is called, or the jarring turmoil which avarice occasions.1838Thirlwall Greece II. xv. 251 For four years longer Asia was still kept in restless turmoil.1872Jenkinson Guide Eng. Lakes (1879) 259 Relics of bygone ages of turmoil and border warfare.1888Bryce Amer. Commw. I. vii. 90 The presidential election..throws the country for several months into a state of turmoil.
b. Harassing labour, toil. Obs. rare.
1568Grafton Chron. II. 915 Myning and digging tynne and mettall oute of the grounde both daye and night with great turmoile and laboure.1591Shakes. Two Gent. ii. vii. 37 And there Ile rest, as after much turmoile, A blessed soule doth in Elizium.
II. turmoil, v.|ˈtɜːmɔɪl|
Also 6 tour-, tor-, 6–7 -moile, -moyle, 7 -moyl.
[Found along with turmoil n. early in 16th c.; origin unascertained. There is no corresp. word in French, but some have conjectured a connexion with OF. tremouille (Cotgr.), in 17th c. tremuye, mod.F. trémie de moulin mill-hopper, in reference to its constant motion to and fro. The n. is app. from the verb. In sense 3 app. associated with moil.]
1. a. trans. To agitate, disquiet, disturb; to throw into commotion and confusion; to trouble, harass, worry, torment. Often to toss and turmoil. Now somewhat rare.
1530Tindale Gen. Pref. A iij, I was so turmoyled in the contre where I was that I coude no lenger there dwell.1530Answ. to More iii. xiii, The matter in the meane tyme is turmoyled and tossed among them-selues.1552Latimer Serm., Luke ii. 6, 7 (1584) 279 b, Heritickes do wrongfully violate, tosse, and turmoyle the scriptures of God.a1586Sidney Arcadia (1622) 372 Yet of all other were Zelmanes braines most turmoyled, troubled with loue both actiue and passiue.1610Holland Camden's Brit. ii. 39 After hee had beene tormoiled with many troubles.1697Dryden æneid i. 381 Haughty Juno, who, with endless broils Earth, seas, and heav'n, and Jove himself, turmoils.1746–7Mrs. Delany in Life & Corr. (1862) II. 454 Mr. Stanley and twenty fiddle faddles have turmoiled me all the morning.1862Zoologist XX. 8151 Mr. Beilby..could not be turmoiled with disputes of any kind.1894W. Walker Hist. Congregat. Ch. U.S. 53 The quarrel which was to turmoil the early Amsterdam life of this little communion had its beginnings in London.
b. To disorder or distress physically. arch.
1542Lam. & Piteous Treat. in Harl. Misc. (Malh.) I. 241 Our shippes of warre, rydyng alongest the coste, were woondrefully turmoyled.1561T. Hoby tr. Castiglione's Courtyer ii. (1577) M vij b, A great throng of people caryed him to the ynne aboue grounde, all tourmoyled and without his cappe.1601Dolman La Primaud. Fr. Acad. (1618) III. 746 The seas are much turmoiled with tempests.a1610Healey Theophrastus (1636) 41 Hee will tosse, turmoile, and ransacke euery corner of the house.1657Trapp Comm. Ps. lxxvii. 17 The Lord..so troubled and turmoiled them with stormy tempests.1867J. B. Rose tr. Virgil's æneid 145 Aeolus..let loose his slaves And on your ocean empire turmoiled waves.
c. refl. Obs.
c1511Colet Serm. Conf. & Ref. B viij, Religious men..nat to turmoile them selfe in busynes, nother secular nor other.1530Proper Dyaloge 194 in Roy Rede me, etc. (Arb.) 139 We tourmoyle oure selfes nyght and daye..For to maynteyne the clargyes facciones.1611A. Stafford Niobe 202 Hee hath turmoiled himselfe through-out all the six Ages of the world.1651C. Love's Case 53 How doth he here toyl and turmoyl himself to salve the honor of his Conscience.1720Mrs. Manley Power of Love (1741) 76 After turmoiling himself for some Hours, he saw the Stone was cast, and that it was in vain now to repine.
d. With advb. extension: fig. To drive or throw roughly or without ceremony. Obs.
1588G. D. Brief Discov. Dr. Allen's Sedit. Drifts 112 They were imprisoned, tossed, and turmoyled from place to place.1596Spenser F.Q. iv. ix. 39 But thus turmoild from one to other stowre I wast my life.1602Contention betw. Liberality & Prodigality iv. i. D iij b, I haue bin turmoyled From post to piller.
2. intr. To be or live in turmoil, agitation, or commotion; to move agitatedly or restlessly; (in quot. 1900 in humorous mock-solemn use). Now rare.
c1540tr. Pol. Verg. Eng. Hist. (Camden) I. 186 Then Eugenius the viij. Fergusius the iij. bothe continuallie weltered and turmoyled in fillthie vices.1548Recorde Urin. Physick ii. (1651) 4 If the way by any means be stopped, then the water turmoileth and laboureth.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 134 Nowe that God hathe made a restraynte, he rageth and tourmoyleth.1618G. Strode Anat. Mortalitie 9 Sicke men which turmoile and tosse from one side of the bed vnto the other.1681in Lond. Gaz. No. 1640/6 Continual overflows of violent Misrule..turmoiling to a common Chaos.1900W. Sewell in W. Tuckwell Reminisc. Oxford xiii. 237 Garlic, deadlier without question E'en than hemlock: oh digestion... What is this, that still so deep here, Keeps turmoiling in my chest?1981T. Holme Funeral of Gondolas v. 216 The noise of the storm receded. Outside, where it still turmoiled, was a long way away.
3. intr. To toil, drudge; cf. moil v. 3. Now dial.
a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VII 41 Cornyshmen..gate their lyuyng hardly..bothe daye and night labouryng and turmoylyng.1598R. Barckley Felic. Man vi. (1603) 574 What doe men but digge and turmoile in the earth?1652C. B. Stapylton Herodian xx. 171 To stop the flame both Rich and poor Turmoile, Some carry hooks, some water Conduits turne.1684N. S. Crit. Enq. Edit. Bible iv. 22 A person that had very much and long turmoil'd in these studies.c1755Murphy Apprentice i. i, I have been turmoiling for the fellow all the days of my life.1759S. Fielding C'tess of Dellwyn I. 53 That [mind] which is burthened with many Griefs, and at the same time is turmoiling and bustling.1840Pusey tr. Confess. August. iii. vi. 11 Toiling and turmoiling through want of Truth.1901F. E. Taylor Folk-Sp. S. Lanc. s.v., He has for t' turmoil hard for his bread.
Hence ˈturmoiled, ˈturmoiling ppl. adjs.
1550Bale Apol. 33 A doctryne..for turmoylynge Thomistes.c1555Harpsfield Divorce Hen. VIII (Camden) 221 The tossing, turmoyling, tempestuous sea.1570–6Lambarde Peramb. Kent (1596) 429 In the time of the turmoiled King Ethelred, the whole fleete of the Danish army lay at roade..before Greenewiche.1671F. Phillips Reg. Necess. 141 A turmoiled impoverished, and over burdened Debtor.1676E. Bury Medit. 322 Turmoiling thoughts, how he shall pay his rent, discharge his debts.1735Sewel Dutch Dict., Raasbol, a Turmoiling fellow.1823Scott Quentin D. v, Quentin..endeavoured to compose his turmoiled and scattered thoughts.1866J. B. Rose tr. Ovid's Met. 332 The turmoiled waters gurgitate the crew.




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