

单词 generous
释义 generous, a.|ˈdʒɛnərəs|
[ad. F. généreux, ad. L. generōs-us, f. gener-, genus stock, race; cf. Sp., It. generoso. The senses appear already developed in Fr. and for the most part in Latin.]
1. a. Of noble lineage; high-born. Also absol. = nobles (quot. 1610). Now only arch.
1588Shakes. L.L.L. v. i. 96 Most generous sir.1603Knolles Hist. Turks (1621) 1300 Many knights..of generous extraction.1610J. Guillim Heraldry iii. vii. 116 The Ancient Generous made choice rather of such Herbes as grew in the Fields.a1683Sidney Disc. Govt. iii. xxvii. (1704) 345 This has in several ages cost the Nation a vast proportion of generous blood.1850Neale Med. Hymns 178 In a generous womb once dwelling.1875Kingsley Lect. deliv. in Amer. i. 3 That genial reverence for antiquity which I hold to be the sign of a truly generous—that is in the right sense of the grand old word—a truly high-bred nature.
b. Of animals: Of good breed or stock. Obs.
1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts (1658) 109 The generous Bitches have 12. [speans], other but 10.1641Hinde J. Bruen vii. 26, I have seene a Gentleman..very carefull to have his horse of a generous race.a1680Butler Rem. (1759) I. 71 Eagles try their Young against his Rays, To prove, if they're of generous Breed, or base.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. iii. 119 The Colt that for a Stallion is design'd, By sure Presages shows his generous Kind.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. II. 57 The plains..bred a generous race of horses, renowned above all others in the antient world, for their majestic shape, and incomparable swiftness.
c. transf.
1749Power Pros. Numbers 11 Of those which I call the generous or the noble Feet, some are more excellent than others.
2. a. Of actions, character, etc.: Appropriate or natural to one of noble birth or spirit; hence, gallant, courageous (obs.); magnanimous, free from meanness or prejudice.
1588Shakes. L.L.L. v. ii. 632 This is not generous, not gentle, not humble.1656B. Harris Parival's Iron Age i. iii. 37 [He] made a generous resistance, and won a glorious victory.1697Potter Antiq. Greece iii. i. (1715) 1 The rapine of these [Flocks and Herds] was look'd on as a generous and heroical exploit.1725De Foe Voy. round World (1840) 121 The gratitude they expressed..was a token of generous principles.1823Scott Peveril xii, This generous disposition to defy control.1845M. Pattison Ess. (1889) I. 19 The spirit of timid reserve still kept the bishops silent, and this generous appeal met no response.1880McCarthy Own Times IV. lxii. 398 It was an error indeed, but it was at least a generous error.
b. Of persons: High-spirited, gallant, courageous (obs.); magnanimous, noble-minded.
1623Cockeram, Generous, valiant, noble.1640tr. Verdere's Rom. Rom. iii. 8 This generous Warrior, that was not capable of fear in the greatest..dangers.1656B. Harris Parival's Iron Age 130 This generous Prince, being brought up in arms.a1704T. Brown Dk. Ormond's Recov. Wks. 1730 I. 50 Neglected horses range along the plain, Their chariots broke, and generous riders slain!1781Gibbon Decl. & F. III. 261 The usurper..was tempted to place some confidence in so generous a conqueror.1794Godwin Cal. Williams 9 The most generous Italian conceives that there are certain persons whom it would be contamination for him to call into the open field.1876Mozley Univ. Serm. ix. (1877) 195 He who is generous to an equal is generous at the risk of his own loss or fall by comparison.
c. Of animals: Spirited. Obs. rare.
a1661Fuller Worthies (1890) III. 394 A generous creature a horse is, sensible in some sort of honour, made most handsome by pride.1661Lovell Hist. Anim. & Min. Introd., Amongst the aforesaid living creatures, some are Solar, sc. those that are generous and lively, as the bull, goat, horse, lion.
3. a. Free in giving, liberal, munificent.
1696tr. Du Mont's Voy. Levant 35 Since the Ladies here are no less Generous than Charming..there are many Intrigues form'd.1704Rowe Ulyss. Ded., The Restoring and Preserving any Part of Learning is so Generous an Action in it self, that it naturally falls into your Lordship's Province.1768Sterne Sent. Journ. (1778) II. 51 (Versailles) The king, he said, was the most generous of princes, but his generosity could neither relieve or reward every one.1878R. W. Dale Lect. Preach. viii. 248 A man may be generous with his money and ungenerous in his spirit.1882Sat. Rev. No. 1383. 533 He was himself generous as a giver, parting, indeed, with that which did not altogether belong to himself.1896Scott. Notes & Queries X. 22 These generous donations were afterwards supplemented.
b. transf. Of land: Rich, fertile. (Cf. F. sol généreux.)
1853Merivale Rom. Rep. (1867) 3 Miles and miles of generous soil were abandoned to the boar and the buffalo.1860Motley Netherl. (1868) I. i. 7 A generous southern territory, flowing with wine and oil.
4. a. Furnished liberally or without stint; hence, abundant, ample, copious.
1615J. Stephens Satyr. Ess. 11 Clearkes and other knaves (Who with their gennerous ruffs the Court out-braves) Will take a pention, or a quarter-fee To make their friend from information free.1790J. B. Moreton Mann. W. Ind. 15 Yet they are fond to see strong liquors given in generous portions to the sailors.1855Thackeray Newcomes I. 348 How great and liberal the houses are with generous casements and courts.1886O. W. Holmes Morb. Antip. Introd. 21 His ample coat..with its broad flaps and many buttons and generous cuffs.
b. Of diet (with mixture of sense 5): Ample in quantity and rich in quality, strengthening. Also, with somewhat similar notion, of colour: Rich, full.
1833Paris in Cycl. Pract. Med. I. 568/2 Young children and growing youths generally thrive upon a generous diet of animal food.1844Kinglake Eöthen iii. (1878) 42 The glow of generous colour.
5. Of liquor, esp. wine: Rich and full of strength; invigorating; also absol. as n.
This use is originally due to L. vinum generosum (Horace) wine of a good class or stock. In Eng. (as in Fr.) it has associations derived from senses 2 and 3.
1630R. Johnson's Kingd. & Commw. 285 The Neccar, whose bankes are inriched with the most generous Wines.a1661Fuller Worthies (1840) III. 486 It [Metheglin] is a most generous liquor.1697Dryden Virg. Past. v. 109 Two goblets will I crown with sparkling Wine, The gen'rous Vintage of the Chian Vine.1740E. Baynard Health (ed. 6) 11 Not that in general I condemn A Glass of Gen'rous now and then; When you are faint, your Spirits low.1755T. Amory Mem. (1769) II. 98 He..perhaps had a bottle of generous in his stomach.1768Boswell Corsica iii. (ed. 2) 187 The juice of the Corsican grapes is so generous, that..it will always please by its natural flavour.1826Disraeli Viv. Grey ii. xvi, Drawing out, by the assistance of generous wine, their most kindly sentiment, and most engaging feelings.1859Jephson Brittany xiii. 223 Whose earliest nutriment was the generous wine of Béarn.
6. Of remedies: Vigorous, strong, powerful. (Cf. heroic 4.) Also of a disease. Obs.
1665Boyle Occas. Refl. ii. iv. (1845) 109 The Doctor thought himself this Day oblig'd to a quite contrary, and yet a more generous Remedy; and order'd, that, instead of giving me Drink, they should take away Blood.1674R. Godfrey Inj. & Ab. Physic 134 A..Doctor..being asked..why he would not give such a Patient more generous remedies, seeing he grew so much worse under the use of common languid ones [etc.].1677Lady Chaworth in 12th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. v. 37 My Lord is still ill of the gout and the Duke of Buckingham hath had a generous fitt of itt.
7. Comb., as generous-hearted, generous-lipped, generous-natured, generous-souled adjs.
1813Jane Austen Pride & Prej. III. i. 10 He was always the sweetest-tempered, most *generous-hearted, boy in the world.1856Whittier Panorama 6 Wise-thoughted age, and generous-hearted youth.
1924Mrs. Belloc Lowndes Terriford Myst. iii. 35 Her *generous-lipped mouth was too large for beauty.
Ibid. vi. 68 She was the most devoted and *generous-natured of wives to me.
1907Daily Chron. 9 Nov. 8/5 Like all *generous-souled men, her grandfather ran to extremes.




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