

单词 genitive
释义 genitive, a. and n.|ˈdʒɛnɪtɪv|
Also 4 genitif, 5 genetife, 7 genetive.
[ad. L. genetīv-um, genitīv-um belonging to birth or generation (f. *gen- root of gignĕre to beget); genetīvus (casus) was used by Lat. grammarians to render Gr. γενικὴ (πτῶσις), which however properly means ‘generic case’. Varro's patricus casus is a similar mistranslation. The earliest Eng. forms may be a. OF. genetif (F. génitif, It. and Sp. genitivo).]
A. adj.
1. genitive case: a grammatical form of substantives and other declinable parts of speech, chiefly used to denote that the person or thing signified by the word is related to another as source, possessor, or the like, but in different languages also employed in a variety of idiomatic usages.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvii. xcvi. (1495) 663 Lens, that is a nytte, and is wryte wyth D. in the genitif case.c1440Gesta Rom. xci. 416 (Add. MS.) The seconde case is genetife case.1520Whitinton Vulg. (1527) 11 b, The hauer or y⊇ owner gouerneth somtyme a genytyue case of the thynge that is had.1562Turner Herbal ii. 23 a, The poticaries..call it [Iris] Irios in the genitiue case.1645Digby Mans Soul ii. 367 The Hebrewes do expresse this vnion..of two different apprehensions..by putting in the genitiue case, the word which expresseth one of them.1711J. Greenwood Eng. Gram. 51 Of the English Genitive Case, with a Note concerning Gender.1771Sir W. Jones Gram. Pers. Lang. Wks. 1799 II. 147 There is no genitive case in Persian.1898Earle Simple Gram. Eng. 15 To express the Genitive Case of these plurals no further sound is added.
2. Pertaining to generation (so OF. genetif, parties genitives). Obs.
1536Bellenden Cron. Scot. (1541) Proheme Cosmogr. xv, As ane beist, so is ane man consaue Of seid infuse in membris genitiue.1560Rolland Crt. Venus iv. 44 He ordanit sum be of kind genitiue, And fill the warld efter thair qualitie.1612Benvenuto's Passenger i. 103 Sparage..prouokes vrine, increaseth genetiue seed, cleanseth the reynes from sand [etc.].1656Blount Glossogr., Genitive, natural, engendring, of an ingendring faculty, that hath power to ingender.
B. n. = genitive case; also, a part of speech in the genitive case. genitive absolute, a construction in Greek similar to the Latin ablative absolute.
c1620A. Hume Brit. Tongue (1865) 29 Our genitive is alwayes joyned with an other noun, and is noated with of, or s.1749Power Pros. Numbers 71 The Concurrence of many Genitives with their Sign of prefixed, should be avoided as an inelegance.1824L. Murray Eng. Gram. (ed. 5) I. 266 When this plurality is neither intimated, nor necessarily supposed, the double genitive..should not be used.1860W. W. Goodwin Syntax Greek Verb vi. 297 We sometimes find the Participle in the Genitive Absolute with ὡς.1866Masson tr. Winer's Gram. N.T. Dict. 209 Even in Greek prose the Genitive is usually employed to denote separation or removal.1892Earle Philol. Eng. Tongue (ed. 5) 547 The Cumulative or Double Genitive, a peculiarly English combination, where both the of and the s are retained, as ‘that boy of Norcott's’.1897A. N. Jannaris Hist. Greek Gram. iii. 499 The Greek genitive absolute substantially corresponds to the Latin ablative absolute.
attrib.1872Morris Eng. Accid. 101 It is probable that the genitive ending was nothing more than an adjective termination.




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