

单词 gestalt
释义 Gestalt, gestalt|gəʃˈtalt|
[G., = form, shape.]
A ‘shape’, ‘configuration’, or ‘structure’ which as an object of perception forms a specific whole or unity incapable of expression simply in terms of its parts (e.g. a melody in distinction from the notes that make it up); cf. configuration 6. Freq. attrib., as Gestalt psychology, a school of psychology which holds that perceptions, reactions, etc., are Gestalts; also ellipt.
[1890C. von Ehrenfels in Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftliche Philosophie XIV. 249 (title) Ueber ‘Gestaltqualitäten’.]1922K. Koffka in Psychol. Bull. XIX. 531 The Gestalt-psychologists proper.Ibid. 574 The Gestalt theory is fundamentally incompatible with the associationist's principles.1924tr. K. Koffka in Psyche V. 80 Gestalt-Psychology has so far got a number of important answers to its questions.Ibid. 81 Gestalt-Theory.Ibid. 84 Prof. Wertheimer, in his lectures, has treated personality as a Gestalt.1926Encycl. Brit. Suppl. I. 45/1 The work of the Gestalt school with its stress upon the unity of psychic processes. Note, The Gestalt theorists.1930W. Köhler (title) Gestalt psychology.1931M. Belgion Human Parrot i. 15 The Behaviourists and the apostles of Gestalt.1936A. J. Ayer Lang., Truth & Logic ii. 57 The Gestalt psychologists who of all men talk most constantly about genuine wholes.1941Auden New Year Let. i. 19 A true gestalt where indiscrete Perceptions and extensions meet.1959Times 13 Feb. 13/5 Webern..eliminates not only rhythm but the Gestalt of a melodic line and all traces of coherence by tonality.1962[see after-image].
Hence Geˈstaltism, Gestalt psychology; = configurationism; Geˈstaltist, one who accepts or practises the principles of Gestalt psychology; a Gestalt psychologist; also as adj. Also in loan-words from German: Gestalt-psychologie, Gestalt psychology; Gestaltqualität, the quality of a Gestalt; Gestalttheorie, Gestaltism.
1909E. B. Titchener Lect. Exper. Psychol. of Thought-Processes i. i. 32 We may speak of general attributes of sensation, as Ebbinghaus does: or we may speak of Gestaltqualität, form of combination, funded character.1925I. A. Richards Princ. Lit. Crit. iv. 25 There are very many problems of psychology, from those with which some of the exponents of Gestalt theorie are grappling to those by which psycho-analysts are bewildered.Ibid. xxii. 183 The exponents of Gestalt-psychologie.1931Psyche July 6 The rise of Gestaltists, hormic psychologists and many other varieties.1933Times Lit. Suppl. 16 Nov. 786/2 His own fivefold scheme of opposed viewpoints (Structure and Function, Association and Gestaltqualitat, Introspection and Behaviourism, Mechanism and Teleology, Conscious and Unconscious).1938Mind XLVII. 377 If Associationism may be regarded as Psychological Enemy No. 1, cannot Gestaltism put in a claim to be at any rate No. 2?1938Amer. Speech XIII. 295 Mr. Firth's gestaltist chapter on meaning (‘Context of Situation’) makes excellent sense.1938Brit. Jrnl. Psychol. July 77 Prof. Spearman's general theory of visual perception must of necessity lead him into conflict with the protagonists of the Gestalttheorie.1951H. McCloy Alias Basil Willing vii. 65 The Gestaltists believed in studying a complete picture of every psychiatric situation.




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