

单词 gete
释义 I. gete, n. Obs.
[cogn. w. next; cf. ON. gǽtr (pl.) heed, gǽtiliga heedfully.]
Heed, attention.
a1200Fragm. ælfric's Gram. (1838) 6 Nulleþ heo nimen gete.
Hence ˈgeteless a., careless, heedless.
c1200Ormin 6190 Forr ȝiff þatt ȝho iss gætelæs & eȝȝelæs & wilde ȝho gillteþþ sket.
II. gete, v. Obs.
Forms: 3 gætenn, geaten, geite, 3–4 get(t, 4 geet, 3–5 gete. pa. tense 3–4 geit, gett(e. pa. pple. 3–4 get, gett(e, 4 gate.
[a. ON. gǽta (pa. tense gǽtte, pa. pple. gæ̂tt-r) to watch, tend:—orig. *gátjan, f. gát, gǫ́t fem., heed, attention, believed by some scholars to represent an OTeut. type *ga-ahtâ, f. *ga- (OE. ᵹe-, y-) + *ahtâ (OHG. ahta, Ger. acht) attention.
The word is chiefly northern, being especially frequent in the Cursor Mundi, in the later texts of which keep is sometimes substituted.]
1. trans. To watch, guard, take charge of (a person or place); to tend (cattle or sheep).
c1200Ormin 3765 Forr þatt teȝȝ sholldenn hirdess ben To ȝemenn hemm & gætenn.a1225Ancr. R. 50 Witeð þer our eien [T. wel itachet, & geateð wel þer owre ehne].a1300Cursor M. 28279 Quare I was scheperd..To reckelesly i geit my schepe.c1300Havelok 2960 [He] bad Ubbe..Þat he sholde on ilke wise Denemark yeme and gete so, Þat no pleynte come him to.c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 648 Loke wel þat þy schip be get; Lat non come vnder þy telde [etc.].1375Barbour Bruce xv. 264 The castell tuk he in his hand..and has set A gud wardane it for to get.c1400Destr. Troy 2113 Our goddes with grace get vs þerfro!c1420Avow. Arth. lix, He gafe me a castelle to gete With alle the lordschippus grete.
2. To keep, observe (a holy-day).
a1300Cursor M. 28261 Þe festes þat in kyrk ar sette Ic haue þam soth ful iuel gette.
Hence ˈgeter, keeper, guardian. [= ON. gǽtir.]
c1400Destr. Troy 972 Ȝet merueld hym more how Mars was distroyed, Geter of his good and a god holdyn.Ibid. 11739 Thoantes..he heght þat was geeter of the god.
III. gete
obs. f. get, jet; obs. pl. of goat.




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