

单词 twelvemonth
释义 twelvemonth|ˈtwɛlvmʌnθ|
Forms: see twelve and month; also 4 tuelfmoth; β. 4 tuelmoneth, -monþ, -moth, twelmoneþ, 4–6 twelmunth, 5 -monyth, twolmonthe, 5–6 twelmoneth(e, -month(e, -mond(e, (6 -motte); γ. 5 towlmonyth, 6 tolmonth, -mont, Sc. -mount, -mond, -mowth, towmound, 8 Sc. towmond, -month, 8–9 Sc. towmont.
[f. OE. twelf twelve + mónað pl., month. The γ-forms, however, are app. ad. ON. tólfmánuðr, of similar formation.]
1. A period of twelve months; a year.
[1038Charter of Harold Harefoot in Kemble Cod. Dipl. IV. 56 Wel neh twelf monað.a1131O.E. Chron. an. 1128 Wær it tweolf monð oððe mare.a1225Ancr. R. 218 Iðe uormeste tweolf moneð þet heo bigon ancre lif.]c1275Passion our Lord 86 in O.E. Misc. 39 Heore muchele feste Of alle þe twelfmoneþ þat wes þe alre meste.a1300Cursor M. 1917 A tuelfmoth [v.rr. twelf-monþe, tuelmoneth, tweluemoneþ] was gan.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xiii. 337 A feure, Þat taketh me al a twelf-moneth.1470–85Malory Arthur vii. xix. 242 A twelue moneth will soone be done.1588Shakes. L.L.L. v. ii. 837 A tweluemonth and a day.1640Brome Antipodes i. vii, He has not drunke so deepe a draught this twelvmonth.1766Blackstone Comm. II. ix. 141 A lease for ‘twelve months’ is only for forty eight weeks; but if it be for ‘a twelvemonth’ in the singular number, it is good for the whole year.1876Bancroft Hist. U.S. IV. xv. 420 Not a twelve-month passed away without a massacre of the pioneers.
β [c130511000 Virgins in E.E.P. (1862) 68 Tuelmonþ & elleue wyke.]13..Cursor M. 1919 (Gött.) A tuelmoneth was gan.c1400Destr. Troy 13230 A twelmond & two wekes. [c1420Chron. Vilod. 3148 Þe whyche was twol⁓monthe seke in þe palsy.]1421Coventry Leet Bk. 24 At the fourthe trespas to forswer the fredom of this Cite a twelmonyth & a day.1573G. Harvey Letter-bk. (Camden) 12 The putting on of mi hat at problem, which I did not twelmunth nethir.
γ1477Marg. Paston in P. Lett. III. 215 He was not gladder of no thyng that he harde thys towlmonyth.1535St. Papers Hen. VIII, II. 287 He would not haue come in this tolmont, at the least.1596in Spalding Club Misc. I. 85, I sall giwe breid to my bairnis this towmound.1726Ramsay Verses on Last Leaf ii, Thrice fifty and sax tow⁓monds neat.a1774Fergusson Election Poems (1845) 42 For towmonths twa their saul is lent.1785Burns Cottar's Sat. Night xi, 'Twas a towmond auld, sin' lint was i' the bell.1818Scott Hrt. Midl. xxxix. [xl], There will be less scathe amang us; mine owsen hae been reckan this towmont.
b. Following and qualifying a date, in such phrases as that day ( a) twelvemonth, Michaelmas was a twelvemonth, Easter come twelvemonth: = a year before or after{ddd}(see be v. 20, come v. 36 b).
c1290S. Eng. Leg. I. 178/15 In þat dai a twelf monþe ore louerd..turnde water to win.c1400tr. Higden (Rolls) VII. 521 (MS. β) This day a twelve monthe the same houre whanne y schal dye, he schal dye.1430–1Rolls of Parlt. IV. 368 To been arezed and paied be the Fest of Ester come tuelfemonethe next.1473–4Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. I. 63 For schone..fra Michelmes wes a tuelfmoneth to the xxiiij day of Nouember last bipast.1545in Leadam Court Requests (Seldon Soc.) 187 Abowte our Ladys day in Lent was a Twelmonethe.1586Burgh Rec. Edinb. (1882) IV. 464 The pest wer in the town as it wes this tyme tolmowth.1667in Verney Mem. (1907) II. 260 [They will pay no rent] till Christmas come twelvemonth.1674Essex Papers (Camden) I. 182 Discharging y⊇ Twelvemonths Arrear..y⊇ paymt of wch ought to have begun at Christmass last was twelve⁓month.1712Addison Spect. No. 435 ⁋3 When I was at my Friend Sir Roger de Coverley's about this time Twelve⁓month.1715Ramsay Christ's Kirk Gr. ii. iii, Till this time towmond.1802A. Seward Lett. (1811) VI. 22 The added weakness entailed upon me by the yet unrecovered accident of spring-twelvemonth.
2. twelvemonth('s mind: a commemoration of a deceased person by celebration of masses, etc. a year after (or annually on the anniversary of) the day of his death or funeral. Cf. month's mind. Obs. exc. Hist.
1428E.E. Wills (1882) 82 Y wolle þat myne executours, vij yere after my decesse, holdyn twelf monthes mynde.1538MS. Acc. St. John's Hosp., Canterb., For wast of tapers att ye twelmonths mynde iiij d.1572R. H. tr. Lauaterus' Ghostes (1596) 211 Rites instituted by the Commandement of wandring soules, as Masses for the dead, vigils, prayers, and twelvemonths minds.1829Heath Grocers' Comp. (1869) 232 A solemn obiit anniversary, or twelve months mind.
3. attrib. (In quot. 1536 referring to the ‘twelvemonth's mind’: see 2.)
a1300Cursor M. 7339 (Cott.) Þai wit-in a tuel-moth stage, War put vte o þair heritage.13..Ibid. 21038 (Gött.) Þar he was in a tuelfmoth quile.1536Test. Ebor. (Surtees) VI. 53 At the daye of my berelay, at my vij daye, and at my twelve moneth daye.1897M. Kingsley W. Africa 649 Engaging for twelve-month terms of work.
Hence ˈtwelvemonthing, a. (of a beast) twelve months old; n. a beast, as a calf or colt, twelve months old; = yearling; ˈtwelvemonthly adv., every twelve months, yearly, annually.
1551in Longm. Mag. Apr. (1905) 531, viii twelmonthyng bullocks..a twelmonting maire colt.1600in W. F. Shaw Mem. Eastry (1870) 226 Item vij kine iij towyering beasts and fower twelve monthings.1686Plot Staffordsh. 261 A Cow-calf..had another..3 weeks and some odd days, before she was a Twelve-monthing.1847–8H. Miller First Impr. x. (1857) 167 Six thousand loads of the young pole⁓wood..being used twelvemonthly.




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